Chapter 5 

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The walk was over and the three children were returning to the castle. Aemond sighed frustrated, the walk had not been anything he had expected, with Luke interrupting every talk that Aemond and Rhenys started with the nonsense that a four-year-old boy would say and if that wasn't enough they had to stop halfway and return since Luke was sleepy and began to throw a tantrum, that was the reason why they were going back with Rhenys taking the hand of their little brother and with Aemond a few centimeters behind them.

"I'm sorry, Aemond," Rhenys said sadly after hearing Prince Targaryen's sigh.

- what do you mean?

- That this walk wasn't what you expected, I shouldn't have brought Luke.

Little Luke gave an angry look at his sister for the comment.

Exactly, Lucerys shouldn't have come, Aemond thought, but he didn't want to say it out loud so as not to sound insensitive to Rhenys.

- It's okay, don't worry.

- I promise to reward you, tomorrow you and I can go for a walk alone, what do you think?

Aemond smiled, he liked the idea.

- Of course, I would love to.

It didn't take long for them to get to the castle, and Luke began to pull his sister's arm.

- Let's go! I want to sleep, Rhenys!

Luke didn't want his sister and Aemond to spend more time together, Rhenys was his sister and Aemond wasn't going to take her away.

Rhenys sighed and saw Aemond sad.

- Well, I think I'll take Luke to bed, so he can sleep a little before dinner.

- Yes, we'll see each other at dinner, right?

- Of course.

- Then I'll save you a place next to me.

Rhenys smiled. - Well, then let me take Luke to his rooms and I'll see you at dinner.

"See you," Aemond said goodbye as Rhenys climbed the long stairs with his little brother.

A few meters before reaching the little prince's rooms, he asked a question that took Rhenys by surprise.

- Do you want Aemond?

- What do you say, Luke?

"It's just that I don't understand why hang around him, I heard the Septa say that the couples who are... core... tin... how did she say it?" Luke asked himself as he tried to remember the difficult word and ran his hand through his curls.

- Courting?


Rhenys blushed violently at the insinuation that Aemond and she were in the process of courting.

"We're just friends, Luke," Rhenys clarified. "Besides, that's for older people, Aemond and I are just kids and that's it.

- Septa said that there are children betrothed since birth.

- Why do you listen to the Septa conversations, Luke?

Suddenly the little one showed a mischievous smile, looking adorable with the combination of the smile, his playful eyes, and the wild curls that adorned Luke's head.

- It's just that I was having some cookies from the table and she was talking to some ladies from the court.

- aren't you banned from having cookies before supper?

- It was only one... or two, or maybe a few more.

- Luke! You can't steal cookies.

"Don't steal them, the cooks make them for me so it's not stealing," he showed an innocent smile.

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