Chapter 15

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The kiss that Aemond and Rhenys shared under the tree was a silent pact and a promise that committed them to be together forever, perhaps neither of them had explicitly said those words but they did not need to, their eyes spoke for themselves and both knew each other perfectly to know what that look of longing and love meant.

Even though things were wonderful between the two, the same could not be said about their families.

Peace could not reign in the Targaryen house, tensions and resentments grew like a slow fire and every time it seemed that the fire was about to go out a small spark lit the flames again and stronger.

Peace could not reign in the Targaryen house, tensions and resentments grew like a slow fire and every time it seemed that the fire was about to go out a small spark lit the flames again and stronger

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Rhenys still remembered the first time she heard that someone explicitly called her a bastard.

"The hair of Princess Rhaenyra's children bears a great similarity to that of Ser Harwin Strong and it is not even the only common trait they have, the indiscretion of the Princess and her sworn knight is evident," Rhenys had heard from a lord of the court, the little girl felt a great confusion, throughout her life, she heard how people talked about her hair, she had never understood it until they compared him to Ser Harwin.

Rhenys understood it, people were questioning her legitimacy - even if it was betrayal, apparently as long as the king did not find out that it came out of their mouths they could still spread the rumor. Rhenys' heart broke at this, she loved her father Leanor and also loved Ser Harwin but it was not right for people to say those things.

At the age of eleven, the Septa had already explained to her the consequences of the bastards, she did not just talk about the bastards bearing a surname that minimized them to nothing but also said that the bastards had to carry the stigma and "it was fair" - according to the Septa—

Rhenys did not understand why from talking about how to make a cross stitch to talking about bastards, but now she understood it and also why the accusatory tone of the Septa as if she would reproach Rhenys for something.

Leanor was Rhenys' father. Ser Harwin was like a second father and the gentleman who took care of them, and it was not that Rhenys was bothered by the idea of having a relationship with Harwin but she knew that these little things damaged everyone's reputation, especially that of her mother, hers and her siblings.

Another time she remembered someone calling her a bastard.

- Princess Rhaenyra should stop bringing bastards into the world and treat us all like idiots as if we didn't have eyes to see their sin. From the first pregnancy, Princess Rhenys should be a symbol of bastardy, we all know that she is but even so the king and the others treat her as a legitimate princess and name her heir, the crown has become a bad joke.

Rhenys didn't know who the woman was, he knew she was a lady from a not-so-important house, otherwise she would remember the name, but this woman spoke so openly without realizing that the princess was behind a pillar. Rhenys could not stand to hear anymore, a pain in his chest and a deep humiliation filled her being, so she ran to where she felt protected, with Aemond.

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