Chapter 3

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"Find me in the arciano" -A.

The piece of paper with a simple sentence and signed with a single letter was on Princess Rhenys' bed.

It must have been Aemond.

She thought. After last night when they returned from Dragon Well too late, Aemond and Rhenys had not had a chance to speak again. And of course, with the initial "A" she was the only candidate who didn't believe that her uncle Aegon wanted to see her unless it was for a heavy joke.

But Rhenys' heart said that it was Prince Aemond's. So the princess did not take long to leave her room, at a hurried pace, without running since it would be inappropriate for a princess so she only hurried the step as much as she could while showing smiles as greetings to those people who crossed paths with her.

Suddenly she was in front of the arch, the tree showed a poetic image, the red leaves fell on the ground while Prince Aemond was sitting under the tree.

- You came. I thought you wouldn't.

- You asked me to do it.

"I enjoyed our conversation," he confessed, even if it was difficult for the prince to admit his true feelings.

"Me too," he smiled. "And Rhaegor too.

- Sit down, let's talk a little more.

Rhenys on her way to Aemond and sat next to him. A silence was made, no one knew what to talk about possibly it was because last night they lasted hours chatting non-stop as if they were close friends although in reality at that time they were nothing more than technically strange.

- Shouldn't you be in your training?

- I have decided to miss today.

Rhenys was surprised, something she learned Was that Aemond loved his training and enjoyed the sword fight, then she did not understand the reason for his absence.

- Why?

- Well, Ser Criston taught us some sword moves and I already mastered them but Aegon not yet, so today it would only be to repeat them until Aegon learns them, and I wanted to see you so I considered it was better to come with you.

- I don't want to be the reason why you don't do your duty, Aemond.

- It will only be for today, I promise, Rhenys.

She smiled.

"One of these days we could visit Rhaegor again," suggested the brown-haired princess.

- I would love to. I liked Rhaegor, I think he has all the potential to be a good dragon, almost like Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes were, he has spirit.

- Possibly. Rhaegor grows more every day, the guardians say that he grows faster than the other dragons, who had never seen anything like that. Although I don't know if my little Rhaegor can become a war dragon like Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes.

- Why? I think Rhaegor is fierce.

- But I'm his rider, and I'm not a warrior, I'm a princess. Besides, I don't think we'll live a war, Aemond, since the reign of King Jaehaerys the kingdoms have lived in peace.

"Any little thing can break out a war, Rhenys, no matter how irrelevant it is, I say, an example is the War of the Steps stone," Aemond reminded her. "Maybe you don't look like a warrior but you have dragon blood, you are strong and free like a dragon.

- Do you think so?

- Yes, and if you ask me, I think you have a dragon's heart.

- That sounds very nice, Aemond, but what do you mean by dragon's heart?

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