Chapter 12

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Rhaenyra braided small braids in Rheny's hair, she decided to do that today, it was a special day, her little girl's name day.

- Are you excited, my little dragon?

- Yes, Aemond promised me that he would dance with me today, I was waiting for this day to come soon.

Rhaenyra smiled slightly. - I didn't know Aemond was dancing.

- He says he's not good at doing it but he had dance classes so I think he just doesn't like doing it but he promised me that he would do it for me.

- Aemond is good to you, isn't he?

- He's the best, mother.

- Well, I know you want to dance with Aemond but remember that you must also dance with your brothers.

- Yes, mother.

Rhaenyra pinned to last braid she made at the top of Rheny's head before letting the rest of the hair loose at the bottom.

- You look so pretty, Rhenys.

"Thank you, Mother," Rhenys turned around and hugged his mother.

- I love you very much, my daughter.

- I also love you, very, very much.

Rhaenyra smiled.

"Princesses," Ser Harwin entered through the door.

- Ser Harwin! - Rhenys ran into his arms, and the gentleman held her up. - Do you like my hairstyle? My mother did it.

- It's beautiful, as much as you, little princess. You will be the most beautiful princess there is.

Rhenys smiled effusively. - My mother is the most beautiful princess, Ser Harwin.

Ser Harwin saw Rhaenyra who smiled at him.

- You're right, little princess, your mother is beautiful but you are too.

- Will you be at a banquet?

- I'll be there, if something gets out of control just run into my arms I'll protect you.

"Thank you, Ser Harwin, you're always so kind," she said as she wrapped her arms around Ser Harwin's neck.

Rhaenyra smiled tenderly at the scene, maybe in another life this would have been her reality, she would have married Ser Harwin and her children would have lived with their real father and they would not have had to live with the rumor of being bastards.

Rhaenyra did not reproach Leanor for anything, he tried to give his best but no matter how much he did he did not have this closeness to the children.

Rhaenyra did not know if it was because technically they did not share blood, Laenor was good with children even many times he tried to be a better father but it was not where he belonged, he loved to fight and to have the company of knights, Laenor was not made for a  tamed life although he tried.

Every time Rhaenyra saw Ser Harwin with there children she could realize that he was the perfect man, perhaps if her father had not been so pushy about the union between the Targaryen and Velaryon houses, Rhaenyra would have been able to marry Harwin and everyone would have been happy.

- I've brought you a gift, Rhenys.

- It wasn't necessary, Ser Harwin.

- Well, I didn't want to be the only one who didn't give you a gift.

Ser Harwin bent down to Rhenys level, while he rummaged into his pockets and took out a small bag, he gave it to Rhenys.

The Princess smiled and hurried to open the bag. Ser Harwin and Rhaenyra laughed at each other at Rhenys' reaction.

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