Chapter 9

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- Do you want a piece of lemon cake, Rhenys?

- Yes, my Queen, it's my favorite.

"It's also Aemond's," Alicent smiled.

Rhenys already knew that. Aemond and Rhenys, after their night getaway at Marca Deriva, had developed the habit of sneaking into the kitchen at night to steal a little lemon cake. Aemond told Rhenys that it was his favorite and for a strange reason she began to like it as much as Aemond did.

One day, without the children noticing, a cook saw them and told the King himself, Viserys only told them not to tell anyone else and made sure that no one else would find out, he found the action of the two little ones endearing, and knew that if someone would find out their mothers forbid them to continue together, all these actions only strengthened Viserys' decision to marry both, they loved each other and would be very happy together and finally peace would reign in his family.

- I know, my Queen.

- You know, Rhenys, I've noticed that Aemond and you are very close.

Rhenys finished chewing the cake in her mouth. She had no idea where this conversation was going and she was afraid because in her heart feared that the Queen would ask her to stay away from Aemond.

- Yes... we understand each other well... and... we love each other very much.

Alicent knew it and also knew the fact that possibly this friendship would become something stronger if she had not already done it, maybe both already loved each other only that both children still did not understand the concept of love.

"I'm happy about it," Alicent said sincerely, surprising Rhenys, I didn't expect the Queen to say that. "Aemond is very happy and I must thank you for it, Rhenys, you make Aemond happy and as long as my children are happy I am too.

"Aemond also makes me happy too, my Queen," Rhenys smiled.

"I see that you have also approached Helaena," Queen said looking towards her daughter, who was feeding her insects.

- Helaena is kind.

- Yes, my girl is.

Both continued chatting and later Helaena joined them, they had a pleasant time.

When a worried Rhaenyra entered the rooms. Some guards had informed him that Princess Rhenys accompanied Princess Helaena to her rooms and that a few minutes later the Queen entered.

The worst scenarios crossed Rhaenyra's mind, she didn't think Alicent was so bad as to do something to Rhenys but she still didn't give her any confidence to leave her daughter alone with Alicent.


"Mom, what's wrong?" Rhenys asked when she saw her mom so agitated.

Rhaenyra quickly addressed her daughter and took off the plate her lap with cake placed in it on the table while hugging her daughter.

- Rhaenyra, we were just eating a little cake and talking.

Rhaenyra only gave Alicent a slight look, she didn't admit her true concerns.

- Yes, my Queen, I still did not know my daughter's whereabouts, she was worried.

- Rhenys was safe here.

"Yes..." she whispered, not very convinced. "Rhenys, it's time for your high-Valerio classes, we must leave.

- Yes, mother. My Queen, Helaena, has been a pleasure, thank you for allowing me to eat with you.

"The pleasure has been mine, Rhenys," said Alicent. "We can repeat this any other day, we can even invite Aemond with us.

- I would love to, my Queen.

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