Playing Doctor

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Your feet hit the cobblestone, and you have to force yourself to not run. You can't afford to attract unwanted attention. You look out into the main streets, seeing people gathered around cars, engines blaring, and some heading out into the desert. You can only assume they are looking for Vash. Eyes scanning for something that looks like a hospital or anything similar, you stand frozen, hidden in the shadows. Your nerves are strung tight, and your body feels like it will explode. The rustle behind you forces you to move. Quietly and calmly walking into the lit street, you try to avoid the gangs and cars, still desperately looking for a place you could get medicine from.

"And what is a girl like you doing out and about at a time like this?" You hear a voice from above you.

Immediately, you spin around and see a very tall and burly figure towering over you. The wide brim of his hat casts shadows on his face. You quickly scan over him; he looks like he could be in his thirties, tanned, and tough-looking. His clothes are ripped and dirty, leaving his muscles exposed for all to see. You see his gun in the holster on his hip, and his hands are free. As you raise your chin to look at his face again, the shadow moves, and you see him grinning, a toothpick hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Same as you, I suppose." You try to stay calm, not wanting to make a scene, and just get away. "Trying to bag myself a Typhoon."

"Ah! You're a funny one! You're hunting for the legendary gunman?" He laughs and takes a step closer. His movements are quiet; no wonder you didn't notice him until he was right behind you.

"I'm not playing around. I suggest we go our separate ways." You don't take your eyes off him, and you feel your anger rising. You don't have time to deal with idiots like him. You need to act fast to get back to Vash.

"Oh, don't be like that." His body shifts, trying to take another step closer, but you have already grabbed Vash's gun from its holster and pushed the barrel into the soft tissue under the man's chin. His head instinctively moves up, away from the cold metal, but you just follow him.

"As I said, I'm not playing around." You cock the gun, and he looks down at you, moving his head minimally. He sees the burning fire in your eyes and lifts his hands in defeat.

"I didn't mean to cause you trouble. I can respect a fellow bounty hunter and their hustle. I was just hoping for a good time. But if you rather keep a watchful eye out for that illusive gunslinger and get killed, be my guest." He takes a few steps back, his hands still up, and you keep aiming the gun at him.

"See ya later, missy!" He tips his hat to you and turns away before you safely put the gun back. Your eyes scan over the street, and it seems like some of the people by the cars are glancing at you. Taking the opportunity, you walk further along the street, positioning a large house between yourself and the other people.

You check out the buildings one by one until you get to one where the lights are still on. Above the doorway, you see a cross hanging, and through the window, you notice a nurse tending to someone. You walk closer, making sure the street is empty, and slip into the alley by the clinic. You only hear two quiet voices from the inside, one probably belonging to the nurse and the other to a different woman, likely the patient, as they are having a conversation about a wound one of them has. You notice another window, but no light comes through it. Pulling yourself up enough to look through, you see the dark room behind it. You don't notice any shadows moving inside, but there seem to be large cabinets. This has to be it. Trying to open the window, you feel that it's locked. After closer inspection, you see the hook holding it together. The construction is poor quality, and you take your knife that fits through the little gap between the two sides of the window. With a flick, you manage to unhook the mechanism and push the windows open. Should you wait a bit in case the nurse needs something? Better not; she might not leave. With that, you climb in and rush around a table to the high shelves. You can barely make out anything that's there. Luckily, you were smart enough to grab a flashlight with you before you left and shine it over the bottles and bags behind glass doors.

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