Ghost of You

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How did I get here? How did I get here? How did I get here? Your mind is empty; the lonely question is pounding in your head the moment the cloudiness in your brain lets a thought form. You lay on your side, unable to move, to turn, or to get up. You manage to raise your chin up enough to see a door through the fog in your eyes. You reach your hand out, uselessly clawing at the floor to drag yourself towards the exit, but it is of no use.

You can't feel your body or the parts of it; you aren't sure your feet are even there; only excruciating pain radiates from your back. It feels like hot knives stab you in the lower back and into your stomach while someone has their hands in your guts and twists everything around. The pain creeps down your hips and thighs into our legs. Every muscle in your body contracts as if trying to crumple your whole body up into a small ball. Your mind is wiped clean again, the fog clinging to every corner of your brain as your throat lets out a painful shriek.

Where am I? How did I get here? What is happening? A moment of clarity as you try pulling your way to the door like that is going to relieve the pain, but your arms are too weak, your muscles are tired, and your body doesn't listen. Everything hurts. You are exhausted.

Again, it feels like someone kicks and stabs you in the back, the pain traveling from your back over to your stomach, into your chest and legs. It knocks the air out of you as you gasp, every movement making it worse as you lay on the floor, unable to move. Your insides are burning.

How did I get here? The question resurfaces, but this time with a foggy memory. You remember glimpses of Edwards, the armored cars leaving again, escaping from your wrath after you gave the thugs hell like they couldn't have imagined. You remember the twin suns high in the sky as the town erupted into cheers. You know you were hurt, but not like this. You aren't in Edwards; this isn't the little room you had booked. The images are hazy as the pain comes and goes, only giving you the smallest of glimpses. You remember someone entering. Who was it? You expected to see a red coat, but instead the smell of cigarettes burned your nose before you could even take a look. With a heavy thud, a wrapped up cross was leaned against the wall of your sunny little room.

"Vash!" You finally form a word among your screams. "VASH!"

"Stop your wailing, scum," an anger laced male voice says calmly, but it doesn't come from the room.

Immediately, you feel your muscles contract again, but this time it physically moves you. It pulls your elbows towards each other on your back, twisting your arms in the process. You feel your bones about to snap as you're lifted off the ground, your toes barely scraping along the floor. Agony burns your body again. From this angle, you see the large window in your room and another door beside it. On the other side of the glass, there are two figures, both clad in white. The taller man is young, with blue hair and a strangely sinister look shining through his calm demeanor. His hand is raised towards you, his open palm directed towards the floor.

"Bluesummers! Stop this at once!" The shorter man exclaims from beside him, looking disapprovingly at the man. He is light skinned and bald, with a cybernetic piece visible on the side of his head. He is a lot older, but your mind won't cooperate with you due to the pain to make a guess.

"I'm terribly sorry, priest Williams," the blue haired man says with slight amusement as he lowers his hand, and you feel the pain relent in your arms and spine as you fall to the ground where you lay on your back, gasping for air.

"She is currently cut off from the Higher Dimension. You mustn't hurt her! She cannot regenerate like this," you hear the older man's muffled voice. "She is the key to master Knives' contingency plan."

"You're preparing for failure?" The other voice is calm.

"We must be ready for any outcome."

"There is only one acceptable outcome to Lord Knives's plan, and it has all of humanity rotting in the ground, and she belongs there with them." More malice seeps into the voice of the man called Bluesummers.

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