Rescue Mission

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Rory leads you down a hallway. You see others dressed like him, but everyone seems to be minding their own business, noses in tablets, and charts. All this feels so different from the outside world. This is much closer to the Space Age, the technology is so advanced, and the electricity and resources are plentiful enough to sustain this kind of life with no issue, while people in remote locations starve and struggle to get water. And what do they use their blessings for? They inflict pain on those less fortunate; they kidnap people, experiment with them, and view them as objects. It makes your stomach turn, and you're glad Rory can't see your face, or you wouldn't be able to keep up your charade.

Your current captor uses a card hanging from his neck to open a door, and you see the lab equipment in it. You know this would be your final stop, but you need to give Vash more time to go through this mess of rooms and corridors. You consider waiting a moment longer, but then decide against it and take off running in the direction you came from.

"Hey! Stop!" You hear Rory shouting, and his footsteps are following you at a running pace. "Catch her!"

You see the other people turning their attention to you and bracing themselves to catch you, but you turn a corner sharply, slamming against the wall for a moment, and then keep running. You hear more shouting behind you. The lighting in the hallway changes; it is no longer sterile white as the red lamps start blinking and a siren starts up from the speakers. It's not too loud, so anyone outside the building probably won't hear it, but it's insistent enough that anyone inside can tell there is a situation. The sounds of more approaching footsteps reach your ears; you can tell they come from different hallways, but you aren't too worried; you know you can outrun almost anyone, maybe not Vash, but any regular human shouldn't give you any issues. You see the shadows approach, and you add speed, ready to push anyone aside.

As you pass a crossroad, you see a figure in the corner of your eye, and it looks like they have a gun pointed at you. It is surprising; you didn't think they would resort to gun violence to capture you, not yet at least, but you stand corrected as you feel a stabbing pain in your back that throws you to the ground. Your muscles spasm out of control for a moment before your brain catches up to what's going on. Those weren't bullets that hit you; that isn't a gun; it is a taser. Your body adjusts quickly to the pain, the adrenaline helps you to recover rapidly, and you grab the wires with your hand and pull the nodes out of your back. You hear a few people gasp at that, and you get on your feet again to keep running.

Your goal is to get as many people as you can to chase after you and to empty the hallways and rooms for Vash to have an easier time. You can take their punishment here as much as needed; as long as they are occupied with you, they can't go after Vash and the captives. You loop around again, making sharp turns into new hallways, hoping to run in a circle. You see a new group approach you straight ahead and turn again. It can't be easy for all of them to chase you all at once in these narrow halls. Surely they will soon change their strategy. You look over your shoulder to get a glimpse of the angry mob, but you don't see too much.

You don't know how long you have been running around like this. They tried the taser a few more times, and when it was obvious it barely did anything to stop you, they took to actual guns. You feel the wound in your leg and shoulder, but the amount of adrenaline running through you numbs the pain and has jumpstarted the healing. You hear the noises the scientist makes, as the bullets don't stop you. Another corner you slam into; your speed is too fast to avoid it, and you keep going. You know you have tired out most of the people chasing you; many stayed behind, and you know it's not ideal. You wonder how Vash is doing. The thought can cross your mind when you look down a different hall and see the familiar shade of red disappear behind the corner. You can't keep going this way, or you risk getting him caught. You stand still for a moment and hear more running. You turn around and head straight for the mob. You see the pipes running along the ceiling, and when you get close enough to the people, you jump up, grab hold of the metal, and swing yourself over the scientists. The pipe breaks, starting to spew water onto everyone, and you fall to the ground. The rain coming down distracts your chasers enough that you can get on your feet again and keep going.

Tempest Wind (Vash x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now