Breaking of a Will

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The blades protrude out of your chest, blood dripping down your front and from Knives' hand. Your body slumps forward enough for Vash to see the surprised and scared expression on your face. The metal retracts into his brother's arm again as he opens his fingers to give a better view of the heart he just ripped out of your chest.

"Is that what you've been so desperate about, brother? The heart of this useless halfbreed?" The cold voice of Millions Knives is yet another dagger in his arsenal. His grip tightens again around the organ, a wet sound making Vash want to vomit as the blood splatters on the floor right before him. "She could have been a beautiful Plant, yet the human residuals in her make her ugly and sinful. A liar like the rest. You're better off with me, brother. Join me."

Knives lifts you off the ground with the arm still impaling you through your chest. Vash is too deep in shock to hold on tighter as your arms are pulled from his grasp. He sees you've gone limp, your expression one of true neutrality—no emotion, no fire, nothing. He wants to reach out and grab you, to cradle you back to life, but his brother casts you aside. Your lifeless form flies through the air before landing with a sickening thud on the ground and tumbling further. Your heart too lands beside you, two trails of blood leading away from Knives. Vash's heart shatters into a million pieces, the weight of loss and betrayal crashing down upon him.

Knives stands tall, a strange kindness and a twisted sense of satisfaction reflecting on his face, which fills Vash with despair. His mind races, trying to comprehend the magnitude of what has just transpired.

"She wasn't like us." The older twin speaks calmly, his left arm still covered in your blood; it drips down from underneath the sleeve of his cloak. "Humans can't be anything like us. She was nothing more than a parasite on our kind. Greedy, like the rest of them. Their love is just an illusion, brother; it is not real. Join your own kin: me and our brethren; let us create our own world without these sinners. "

Vash's heart sinks as his brother's words echo in his mind. The weight of their meaning presses down on him, threatening to suffocate his hope. He looks at his twin, his once beloved companion, now consumed by a twisted ideology. The sight of the blood-soaked sleeve serves as a chilling reminder of the violence that he is capable of. Doubt creeps in, mingling with despair, as he questions how he can save everyone. It seems like an impossible task. But he is determined to try, for he will not let his brother claim any more lives.

Vash looks up at Knives with grief and disgust. His body is still frozen by everything that just unfolded in front of his eyes. No words escape him, just tears pooling in his eyes. How could any of this be true? How could this horror take place before him while he is powerless to do anything about it? How could he have let this happen? His mind is racing, but his body remains paralyzed by fear and grief. His heart sinks as he realizes the weight of his own limitations. The burden of guilt and responsibility drags heavy, and a sense of helplessness engulfs him. He yearns for the strength to change the past and to protect everyone.

"You have always sided with humans. You have always spared their lives, even when they deserved to burn. You have always believed in their potential, their goodness, and their salvation. You have always been wrong. Humans are nothing but a plague and a curse. They will destroy this world with their greed, their violence, and their sin. They exploit the Plants, our brethren; they work us to the bone. We are the superior beings, the angels of God. They have shown us nothing but hatred, fear, and blasphemy. They have no potential, no goodness, and no salvation. They have no right to live. That is why I have decided to end their miserable existence once and for all. You have a choice, brother. You can join me and embrace your true nature, your true destiny, and your true power. You can help me wipe out the humans and create a new world—a better world, a holy world. You can be my ally, my partner, my equal. You can be my brother again. This is the day we decide the fate of humanity, the fate of this world, and the fate of our kind. Choose wisely, brother. For this might be the last choice you will ever make."

Tempest Wind (Vash x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now