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3rd person pov

Jungkook get up from his bed as he look at Taehyung, who is still standing and trying not asleep.

He sit up, as taehyung still didn't notice it, he just smirk at his state, jungkook love to tease taehyung and he just hurt him, he fuck him so many times but he never love him, he just had rough sex with him.

Whenever taehyung want him, or he get needy he have to beg to jungkook and if jungkook want then only he fuck him, or else he just use sex toys.

In their merriage of 2 years, he only fuck him 3 times, and other wise he just use toys on him.

Taehyung never like it, he want love not sex, but he can't even do anything,. Jungkook also doesn't like when he says to anyone about their marriage.

Jungkook blew a whistle as Taehyung looked at him.

"G-good morning sir" he says trying his best not to fall and to stand on his leg.

"The morning is good for me... But..." He says as he comes to taehyung and starts roaming his finger on his body,.

"For you?" He asked him.

"I-if morning is good for my master then it's good for-for me too" taehyung says trying his best to make jungkook happy, cause he loves him.

"Nice answer" he says while choking him from behind. Making it hard for taehyung to stand.

"You have a meeting right?" He asked him.

"Y-yes master" taehyung replied.

"And you know what to do right?" Jungkook says while kissing his right ear.

"B-but master, the deal is good for our company, cause it's legal and we can hide our illegal works in it" taehyung says

Jungkook doesn't like it so he bites his ear, making it bleed and Taehyung screams.

"S-sorry sorry sorry sorry" he started chatting.

Jungkook let it go and chock him.

"I don't like when you use your useless mind bitch, just do what I say" jungkook told him, more like, ORDER him.

"O-ok okay" once taehyung say it he let him go.

"And never ever, use this useless mind of yours just do what I say, like a doll. Got it" he say as he hit taehyung's head.

"Okay master" taehyung apologize.

As jungkook open him and he stand while facing him.

"You can take rest for 10 minutes, after that go to office, and attend the meeting" jungkook say.

"Okay master " as he bow him and stay like it until jungkook left the room. Once he heard door closing voice he sit on the floor, it's been clear that his knees are too weak to even stand.

He cry out while looking at the door and started missing his old jungkook,.

~flash back~

"Taehyung" a boy called him while he was going to canteen,.

He turn around and find it was his fanboy,

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