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Taehyung pov

Currently I am in my room, I am tied with my bed and I am all naked,.

I am here like this for like 2-3 hours idk,.

My eyes are also blindfolded,.

I heard a door open and close voice as I turn my head to that side.

"M-master?" Even tho I know that he was there, I asked.

But I didn't get answer.,

I can hear footsteps was going from the door to the another side,

"Master?" I again asked getting more sacred of what was going to happen.

I just opened my mouth to speak but~

"Ahhh" I get spank with a belt on my body and I got sensation in it,.

"Master master, what I did?" I asked while crying..

"Shh~" I heard and again I get spank

This time I keep silent cause he told me, but my eyes got teary and the blindfolded gets wet~

He was kept splashing me, hardly and sharply,.

I want to scream but I can't, I want to stop him but I can't,. I am such a useless toy for him,,

I sometimes regrets to be his lover, but in the end I just love him,.

After sometime he sttoped, and I get a little bit relief,.

Then he suddenly grab ma hard member making me arched my back and hissed from my mouth,.

"How about we play a game?" He asked me,

"W-whatever y-you say" I answered back,

"I have some chocolates, you just have to guess it's flavour" he say,

"O-okay" I again answer,.

"But before that," he say and opened the cuffs from my leg and pick it up on his shoulder,.

And then

"Ahhh~" he pushed something in my ass hole..

"One wrong guess and, this vibrator will go 1 lever faster, and and and , it's new, and it has 10 levels" he say making me shocked, but I just "as you wish master" answered.

He open my mouth and put a piece of chocolate in it,.

"So? What's the flavour?" He asked,

"I-it seems like strawberry master" I replied being scared.

"Good, you are safe" these words makes me relaxed, as he put another one.

And this time it's mix flavour, I can't guess it,

"C'mon fast fast" he say,

"R-rasberry?" I asked as he turn on the vibration, even tho it's on its lever one, it's still so fast and hurting me way too much,.

"Guess again" he again says,

"I-idk idk please idk" I say as he again start it faster,

"Ahhhh~" I scream, idk on which level it is, but it's hurting me, it's like something is drilling my asshole so quickly.

"Here is the next one" he say,

And now my mind is not in my control,

'stop this Stop this Stop this' only this thought is running in my mind.

"Say" he say.

"G-grps" I again guessed, but again it went so fast... "AHHHH~ I AM SORRY~ ONE MORE CHANCE PL-PLEASEEE~~~ STTTOOOPPP~" I scream my lungs out,.

"I love when you scream" I can feel smirk in his voice.

~3rd person pov~

It's Been 2 hours since they are playing it, and now vibrator is on it's highest speed, these don't mean that Taehyung guessed wrong, so many times even tho tae guessed right jungkook just pretend it's wrong, cause in the end he just wanted to see taehyung in pain.

On other side, Taehyung know that he is guessing right but jungkook still turn on the level, but he never say anything, maybe because he was sacred of him, or he just love to make him happy even when he gets hurts.

"You guessed so many things wrong, so as the part of the punishment, I will leave this vibrator on 3rd level until I come back from shower" he say

"NOOO PLEASE NOOOOO~" taehyung cried, cause he knows that jungkook will take so much time but jungkook never listened to tae and did what he wanted,

'i love you jungkook, just please love me back~' Tae tell him in his mind

To be continued~

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