love or lust..

124 9 6

Suga pov

I saw jungkook take taehyung somewhere, but idk where as I find that jimin is also going somewhere I stopped him and asked.

"Where do they go?" Jimin is looking so sad. And this is the first time he shows his sad side. In our relationship he never cried and I never do such things that make him this sad.

"I-idk" he said and left from there.

I quickly called namjoon and he said that he is on his way to pick me up at his home.

I was feeling so bad idk why.. it feels like something is not good between them,. I just hope taehyung will be safe.

In no time namjoon arrived and I quickly sat in his car as he drove off.

"Let's go to taehyung, I have his location" I said. As namjoon replied no.

"Taehyung already messaged me and he said that he will take care of it from now on... And if he feels like in danger he will call us. Until that just stay at one place. " Namjoon said

I am still afraid, I have a bad feeling. So much bad... Something is so wrong gonna happen,.

I and namjoon were discussing it as a boy came in front of the car. Namjoon broke but that boy's leg hit the car as he fell.

We both came out and found it's Jimin. I picked him up and we took him to the hospital.

His leg was bleeding and he couldn't open his eyes.

"S-suga.." he took my name.

"Yes jimin, I am here okay, don't worry you will be fine.." I held his hand as he was laying on my lap.

"I-i a-am sorry for e-everything I did with y-you.." he said.

"N-no one can love m-me the way y-you do..." He added. I feel so bad for him. And regret because.... No matter what I should not have done this all.

In the revenge I forgot that jimin can also get hurt....

Why I didn't think about it....

We reached the hospital and the doctor took him to the operation theatre...

"I hope he will be fine .." I said...

On other hand with Taehyung

3rd person pov

They both entered the home as Jungkook threw Taehyung on the floor.

Taehyung was going to fight back but received a hard slap which made him come in sense that jungkook is still master.

"What do you think you were doing with me until now huh" he held Taehyung's neck and choked him.

"I loved you until these days.. I missed you when you were not here with me. And I tried to make it up to you... But you.. you try to flirt with that jimin" jungkook is so angry and he slapped him.

"You missed me, you loved me, when I was not here... But you hurt me, you used me when I loved you jungkook... Your love... Your care... Your jealousy, where it all at that time?" Taehyung cried jungkook was just standing there...

"Say something... Now you don't have anything?" Taehyung pushed jungkook and he fell on the couch.

Taehyung also crid and sit on the floor in front of him..

"I was willing to do everything for you, but in return what I ask? Just love... You can't give me?" Taehyung asked..

Jungkook is so sad now, he feels that he did wrong with him...

"You loved jimin, for whom you hide your that beast side... You sex with him but with love... And me??? You sex with me but for lust... When you fuck him he moan your name in happiness, in pleasure,. And me? I never moan, I scream , in pain... Did you find the difference?" Taehyung decide to do something that makes him regret for his life...

He take out his gun and give it to him..

"Here, just kill me... So that I never hurt you anymore. Just free me please" taehyung hold his hand.

"I already have heart cancer, and I have not more days to live... I know it from the starting but I never said it to you... You know why? Because I don't want to make you sad... But it feels like I should have told you so that you can be happy.... "

Jungkook's hand is now sheviring

"Hit me on my heart, because I loved you from there and then in my brain by which I get idea to take Revange... What I get when I do this all? Nothing... Nothing " taehyung cried jungkook throw the gun away but taehyung picked it up and stand away from him...

He take out his phone and recorded a video where he say..

"Everyone, thank you for being with me... " And he give it to jungkook, when I die, send it in the group...

"Don't say such silly thing and put that gun away..." Jungkook yelled at him and was about to go to him... But he just blank out...

"TAEHYUNG~" he screamed as YN called on taehyung's phone but jungkook didn't pick it up and he called namjoon to take taehyung....

To be continued~

The last part will be come soon~

And in that I will TRY to give a happy ending

I hope you love it 🤭

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