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Jungkook pov

After the exam, we got a break, as I and jimin went to the canteen again.

"Kook?" Jimin asked me as we were on our way.

"Yea? " I replied.

"Is there something between you and Taehyung sir?" He asked directly.

"No Minnie, we were just cousins I told you right?" I can't say the truth to him.

"Hmm" he nodded,.

"Why?" I asked the reason,..

"I feel like he is targeting you so much" jimin said.

"Maybe because, we were cousins? Yk  that two brothers fight a lot right?" I tried to make him believe me.

"Yeah right.." he said,

"What about you and Suga sir? I asked him, hoping for the genuine answer.

"Nahh, nothing, brothers thing yk" he also lied.

At this point even when I know that he is lying I can't say that to him .

Wow,  if taehyung lied to me even a little thing, he gets in trouble,

But I can't do it with jimin, cause I love him,

"Jungkook" as I heard a voice and turned back, and she was none other than Lisa,

"The principal called you both" she said.

"Ok, let's go" jimin and I went there.

As I show taehyung and Suga was already there.

"Can we come in?" I asked as principal nodded

We both go and stand beside Suga and Taehyung.

"Jungkook, my favourite and top student, what happened to you?" Principal asked.

"Nothing sir why?" I asked them knowing that taehyung said something to him for sure.

"After taehyung and Suga came to take class, your behaviour is not something good to them." He said.

"I didn't do anything sir" I replied.


"Yes sir, he didn't do anything" jimin also helped me.

"Don't intrupt our talk jimin, cause there is a same complaint about you too, that your behaviour with Suga is also not good," sir said.

"B-but-" jimin was going to speak as principal cut him .

"You behave rude with him when he was coming to the class, we have cctvs everywhere and I can see the footage too, want to see it?" He said to principal,.

As jimin looked down.

"And jungkook, your marks are also not so good in the test, taehyung tell me how you cheat and when he told you, you answer back to him." He said to me too..

"But it's not my fault" I am at the edge of get angry.

"Then why you come late last time, that's your fault don't you think?" Sir said.

As someone knocked on the door .

We all look and it is namjoon hyung,.

Why is he here?

Taehyung take a leave.

As he talked with namjoon hyung, I can't hear them but there is something wrong.

Tae come inside quickly,.

"Sir, please listen to me, and please take everyone out from this school as fast as possible" taehyung said.

"Whaat?" Principal asked.

"Sir we have no time, please sir listen to me, everyone's life is at risk rn" taehyung said.

As principal announced it on the mic and I can hear everyone is running from here to there.

"Jungkook, take Jimin out, Suga come with me, and also jungkook, take principal with you" he said ik something is so dangerous as I hold hand of jimin and principal and leave from there.

I sttoped at the door.

"You?" I asked.

"Don't worry about me, just be safe" he said.

"You too" this is the first time I am saying to be safe to him as he nodded

"Gooo" he scream as we ran...

To be continued~

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