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3rd person pov

It's been a couple of days, since Valentine's Day Now, Jungkook started giving so little attention to taehyung, which made Taehyung sad,.

Taehyung is in his office with namjoon and they were working on some files as namjoon realised that something happened to him, so he asked.

"Taehyung? What happened to you? Why are you looking so sad these days?" Namjoon asked.

"Hyung. Idk what to say, and also idk if I am thinking it was the truth or not, but jungkook is now getting changed, like, now we meet so less time, when I get up he alredy went to university, when I sleep he didn't come until past midnight,. Now, he doesn't even ask me about work, idk what happened to him, when we both are together at home, he just uses his phone, he literally ignores me like I am no-one to him,"Taehyung says.

"He doesn't even call me to ask about you these days " namjoon also added.

Making taehyung more sad,.

"But, tae, don't worry, don't think much, okay, everything will be alright " he says,. Taehyung nodded.

"For now, be happy that jungkook is not hurting you " namjoon said trying to make taehyung cheer up,.

And Taehyung nodded,.

On the other hand, jimin and Jungkook were eating, it's their break,.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked, cause jimin kept on using his phone.

"Nothing kook, my hyung comes from Thai, and he keeps telling me to find a job for him, how can I find him. Moreover his parents are also giving me pressure for it" jimin says looking tensed,.

"Don't worry, I will help you " jungkook said holding his hand,.

"How?" Jimin asked.

"My cousin brother has his own company and he also needs a personal assistant, so I will tell him to take an interview of your hyung" jungkook said.

"That will be perfect " Jimin says and jungkook got happy,.

"I will call him, and you will also tell your hyung to meet us after our university" jungkook told him and left from there to call.

On call

Jk: taehyung, I want you to do something.

What is it master?

Jk: I am coming with a man who wants a job, so I want you to take his interview and whether you like it or not, but you have to select him, as your personal assistant.

But, n-namjoon hyung?

Jk: don't worry about him.

As you say,

Jk: and when we meet in the office, I want you to treat me like your cousin brother

These words make taehyung sad
But he can't even do anything

Okay master

Jungkook cut the call.

And went to jimin, who already told his hyung to come to the university,

"Now, let's go for our class" jungkook said as they both left.

~~~~~time skips at office~~~~~

Jimin and jungkook were already reach to the office but still jimin's hyung didn't come. As he was kept calling him.

"Jimin? Where is he?" Jungkook asked, they were sitting in waiting area,.

"Idk kook, I told him to meet me at University but he didn't, so I send him the live location too. Idk where he is" jimin said.

As a boy entered wearing all black and having a file with him,. Jimin get up and went to him and jungkook followed.

"Suga hyung what take you so long" jimin asked.

"Sorry Minnie, I was stuck in a traffic" Suga replied.

"It's ok, Btw, meet kookie, I mean jungkook, my boyfie" jimin introduce him as he got shy.

"Oh, so he is the boy you were talking about whole day huh" Suga teased him

"Ahh~ hyungg~" as jimin snuggled into jungkook's chest. And jungkook and Suga giggle.

"Hello, I am min yoongi" Suga introduced himself as he give him hand, and Jungkook shake the hand.

"Let's go, we are already late" jimin say as they went to Taehyung's office.

Taehyung was sitting on his leather chair

Suga pov

I entered as I found a beautiful angelic boy who was sitting on black leather chair, wearing all while giving him more angelic vibe. How someone be this beautiful.

He look at us with his eyes, which has no aggression, it's like I was just standing there and the time will stop so I can look at him for some more time.

He is look so young, and still he handles this big company is really so much for it..

I hope I can get selected.

As he told me to sit I sit and jimin and jungkook left the room.

I give him my file,

And again introduce myself...

And he start taking interview.....

~after sometime~

"Okay, than, but you know that we are mafia, so you are capable of fighting?" He asked me.

"Yes anything" I said,.

"Okay than, you are selected, come to the work at 8 o'clock tomorrow. And give me your number, I will send it to namjoon hyung, my old secretary, so he will send you schedule and tell you what to do" he said

As I get up and give him number. I bowed and thanked him and come out.

"So? How's it?" Jimin asked.

"I got selected" I say as he gets happy..

"Thank you jungkook for helping me" I thanked jungkook

To be continued~

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