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3rd person pov

It's been a month since jimin entered jungkook's life, and Jungkook started liking jimin,

Today is a velentine day, and there is a celebration tonight in their university,.

Jungkook has a perfect plane for jimin.

It's night time and everyone is dancing and celebrating this day with their partners,.

And jimin entered catching everyone's focus on him, including jungkook,.

Jungkook moved forward to him.

"You are looking so beautiful today" he says. "Thank you kook, you are looking handsome too" Jimin replied with his beautiful smile.

"Want to dance?" Jungkook takes out his hand and asks him, Jimin nods and holds his hands,.

"Wow, my favourite song" Jimin says when 'snow man by sia' started playing.

"Mine too" jungkook said

"I never know it" jimin said while giggles,.

"Whatever is your favourite is mine favourite too" jungkook say making jimin shy,.

Jungkook stopped jimin and went to the stage.

And took a mic,.

"Hello everyone, can I have your attention please" jungkook says and now everyone is focused on him.

"So, I have to tell you all something, it's been a month since someone entered my life, making it beautiful and lovely, and I don't want to lose that person, also, today is velentine day and it's a day of love, and that's why, I want to confess my love to that person" jungkook said and everyone start talking with eachother no-one don't know who that person is,

Lisa was sure that it's her, and was going to go to jungkook but-

"It's Jimin" jungkook say making Lisa angry and jimin shy, and shocked,..

"Jimin, can you please c'mon to the stage" as everyone is cheering for him, but jimin say no cause he is shy,.

"Don't worry, I am coming to you" jungkook said while going to jimin, as everyone gathering around they both.

Jungkook sit on his knees, and held jimin's hands

"Jimin, I love you, and you give me that feeling which no-one can give, I want to be with you, and I want you to be my velentine, not only for this time but for lifetime, so Mr. Park jimin, will you be my forever velentine?" He asked jimin is red with shyness and said "yes"

Jungkook get up and they kiss eachother.

Making everyone happy,

Not Lisa,

"I will take the revange jungkook, just wait and watch." Lisa say and left from there,.

After sometime they both break the kiss and look at eachother with lots of love in their eyes.

"Let's celebrate this night as lover" jimin say and again the song start playing and everyone start celebrating.


It's been a long time,

And on other hand, taehyung prepared a perfect date night for jungkook,.

He is waiting for him.

He look at his wrist watch and it's already 2 in night,.

"The function should be over at this time" taehyung think,.

"Should I call him?" He again think and open his phone, but then he deny that thought thinking he will be mad,

On other hand, jungkook is now with jimin, in his home.

They were kissing each with love and jimin pushed him to the bed. Taking of his clothes,.

"Perfect" jungkook says looking at Jimin's perfect body,.

Jimin sit on his lap and take off jungkook's shirt,

"Let's make love tonight" jimin say, and jungkook wait for no-one and start eating out jimin.

After sometime of marking he lay jimin down on the bed and took of his underwear, and get naked himself too

He hover over him and kiss him.

"Baby, it will hurt you, so take time to adjust okay" he say and jimin nodded.

Jungkook take out a lubricant from his pants and lubricate his member watching jimin with full of lust,. Even tho he is with Taehyung from a long time, it's his first time to fuck someone.

Jungkook slowly pushed himself inside jimin,. Jimin scream and arch the back because of the pain,.

Jungkook stopped for some time letting jimin adjust.

Jimin nodded as jungkook start fucking him with a slow speed for sometime,

And that's how they went for 3-4 round.

And then jungkook sleep next to jimin.

Jimin hug him and start sucking his nipple,.

"You want more?" Jungkook asked,.

"No Minnie want to suck only., please" jimin say in his cute little voice, as jungkook make him sleep on him and let jimin do whatever he wants,.

Jungkook completely forgot about taehyung.

On other hand taehyung slept on couch while waiting for jungkook.

Around 4 o'clock jungkook get up from his sleep and see jimin was sleeping like an angel on him he slowly pick up him and make him sleep on his bed and wear his clothes,.

He take out a pen and paper from his bag and write.

"The night was amazing jimin. But I have to go to my home, we will meet eachother at University, I will be waiting for you my love

              ~ your kookie"

Put that note on bed and kissed jimin's forehead and left from there

He come home and see taehyung was sleeping on couch, he let him sleep there and went straight to his room

He entered and see all the decoration that taehyung had done for him.

"You come?" As he heard voice of Taehyung and he turn around.

"I was waiting for you" taehyung say coming to close to him

"I didn't tell you to wait for me" jungkook said completely ignoring taehyung,.

"But today is velentine" taehyung say.

Jungkook was taking off his clothes as he remembered the marks that jimin make so he let the shirt on.

"So?" Jungkook asked,.

"I-i want to celebrate it with you" taehyung said again

"I am so tired, and I want to sleep" jungkook say making taehyung broke in pieces,.

"B-but it's  velentine-"

"I say I want to sleep" jungkook cut off taehyung and go to the bed,. As taehyung close the door and was going to sleep.

"Sleep in other room" jungkook say, Taehyung was stunned for sometime but he left.

'i love you jimin, and I can't wait to see you again~' jungkook thought.

To be continued~

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