is this his real side???

101 10 4

3rd person pov

Jungkook woke up, and jimin was still sleeping on the bed.

By seeing him, it feels like he is not sleeping he is dead...

Jungkook looks at his dead yet beautiful body...

He was going to touch his hair as he remembered what he did, so he just let him sleep,.

But in reality jimin was not sleeping, he is observing what jungkook is doing...

After he heard the door closing voice, he opened his eyes. And trying to get up, but his body hurts like hell.

He slowly went to take a shower as he looked at himself in the mirror.

The marks on his body, his swollen lips, everything is so hurting him.

Some of them are still hurting him and some are bleeding too.

But he doesn't care about it, all he cares about is jungkook,

"Why did he do this to me last night?" Jimin asked himself as he still doesn't know what's wrong with his boy.

"Is this his real side?" Jimin again looks at the mirror.

After some time of observing and thinking he just gave up.

"Let's not make him angry," he decided and took a shower.

They both went to university and Jungkook was still not talking with him. Jimin tried to, but all he did was ignore.

It was a break time as sir who was teaching went out of the class.

"Jungkook, let's go to canteen" jimin tried to have a conversation with him.

But jungkook didn't answer,.

Jimin again asked but this time jungkook just stare at him.

"Okay, I am going, if you want then come and join me" jimin give up and went away.

Jungkook was just sitting there.

"What happened JK, you look so dull today" Lisa come with her friends to tease him.

"None of your business" jungkook get angry and answer back

"Why you are acting like jimin break your heart" jisoo make fun of him as they 4 laugh but they don't know that they just triggered him. As jisoo received a hard slap accross her right cheek.

"JUNGKOOK" Jisoo tell at him.

He went away,.

"Don't worry unnie, he will pay for it" Lisa said.

While he was going to the canteen to talk with jimin, he met with Suga.

"Someone is so angry" Suga said.

Jungkook didn't say anything as he just glare at him..

"Btw, I see jimin and Taehyung together, in the canteen.." Suga said...

Jungkook look at him with a question look.

"Maybe you sent him.. or... He has some WoRk to do with him" Suga put his hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ears... And just went away.

Jungkook west no time and goes straight to the canteen.

As he see them,.

Jimin was crying and Taehyung was holding his hand...

Jungkook is so damn angry as he went to them.

"GET UP" He said to taehyung, as everyone now focused on him.

"What?" Taehyung didn't get up.

As jungkook hold him with the collar and take him away,.

Jimin was going to follow them but

"Go straight to the home.."


Jungkook glare at him and went away.

Everyone was now doubting on them

As jimin went to the home...

Jungkook throw taehyung in his car and fasten a sit belt.

"If you move even an inch, then you are so dead" jungkook said and Taehyung just sit...

Jungkook come and sit on driver sit as they went away....

To be continued~

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