he never loved me

172 8 1

3rd person pov

Taehyung was sitting in his cabin and was crying silently on how jungkook treated him last night,.

Namjoon entered with Suga as taehyung wiped off his tears and looked at them.

"Sir, you told me to bring namjoon sir" Suga says as they both stand in front of Taehyung.

"Yes, namjoon, you are here and you're gonna teach Suga everything about our works okay.?" Taehyung Said,.

Namjoon is happy to hear that but deep down he knows that Taehyung has to pay so badly for it.

"Suga. Whatever you want to ask or want to know, you can go to namjoon." He tells Suga as Suga nodded.

"First we will learn shooting" Namjoon told him and Suga again nodded.

"Tae? You want to Join?" Namjoon asked as taehyung nodded and they three left.

~with jungkook~

He was happily spending time with jimin.

He didn't even feel guilty for taehyung, look like he completly forget about him and forget about what he did.

After university, they both reach at home as he mesg jimin.

Hey, what are you doing?

Nothing, just came out of shower

Oh, you should have tell me, so we can take shower together 😉

🤭, next time
Oh, wait, my landlord is coming.

Jimin say as he left.

After sometime

😮‍💨, done

What happened?

My landlord was asking for money, but I don't have it, so I have to do something about it.

How much?

Kookie, can we buy a home when we earn money?

Yes yes 😉

🤭 Thank youuuu


Many days has been passed, jungkook is coming closer to jimin and going away from taehyung,.

On other hand, taehyung still feels that it might be his mistake.

And Suga started liking taehyung and they are also start being a good friends.

When one day...

"Tae?" He was working in his office, as Suga come in side.

"Yes hyung?" Taehyung replied still looking in his files.

"I gotta know that, jungkook is your husband" Suga says make taehyung look at him immediately as he stand up and held his collar and push him to the wall.

"Who the hell told you?" Taehyung asked,

"I am working in cyber security rn, so it's so obvious that I know." Suga says.

"So you hacked my phone huh?" Taehyung asked.

"No no, I was just looking at our old data of company, where I find his names and I hacked his phone via his number and email address" Suga says.

Namjoon knocked on the door as taehyung released Suga and went on his chair.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked.

"He knows about me and jungkook" taehyung says as namjoon look at Suga.

"Just stay silent, and don't tell anyone, if you do then you will find yourself in hell" namjoon told him in anger.

"I will not tell anyone, cause I know there might be a reason that you hide it" Suga says

"Btw taehyung, jungkook just brought a home" namjoon says.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, here, it's his credit card's history" namjoon give him i-pad.

"F-for what? H-he want to stay away?" Taehyung was at the edge of crying when Suga says.

"He already go away from you Taehyung" making both of them looking at him.

"Wdym?" Taehyung asked.

"He brought it for jimin" Suga says as taehyung stand up and slap him.

"How dare you" tae was in full anger.

"I know you will not believe me, but here, watch chats" Suga say and give him his i-pad as taehyung read all of his chats.

After reading, he look at namjoon with teary eyes.

Namjoon hug him.

"H-hyung. He don't love me" as he started crying.

And he blank out in his arms,

"He never loved me~" he thinks

To be continued~

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