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Jungkook pov

"Where are we going dad?" I asked my dad who was driving a car so fast and was in pure fear.

"Some Mafias are behind us and they are trying to kill us" my dad says.

In the car, my dad was driving, my mom was beside him and I was sitting behind them.

Dad kept looking in the side view mirror, if someone is following us.

As I get up and show behind that 2 black cars are coming to us in speed.

My dad also showed it so he sped up the car.

The road is straight way and there was only forest all around,.

So my dad take a turn and now my car is in the dark forest,.

It's already evening,.

I again look behind but now there is no-one.

Dad stopped the car,

"Shit, may be the fuel is over" he said,.

As he get off the car and so did my mom.

My mom was pregnent and it's already her 9th month.

So her stomach is also hurting way more.

"We have to run" dad says as he held mom's hand,.

But mom just can't handle the pain as he sit on the ground,.

"You both, please go, don't wait for me please" my mom say, I can see tears in her eyes.

"I can't leave you, please try love, please" dad tell to mom,.

My mom again try to get up but she has water break so she again fell on the floor.

"JUST LEAVE" she scream to us.

Dad show me and come to me, he held my shoulder and said.

"Jungkook, son, mamma pappa loves you so much, idk if we can save your little brother who is not even in this world, but son, we want to protect you, please go from here, and hide somewhere," dad said

"No, I will not going anywhere" I cried.

"You have to son,. Please go, you can't die because of us, because of our useless work. Please go, go to Seoul and here is the card, go here and said that you are my son, they will protect you " dad gave me the card.

As we heard someone is coming,.

My dad pushed me, so I run and hide behind a big tree.

2 man come out with guns in their hand.

They stand in front of my mom and dad,  one of them point the gun to them.

"Please leave my wife" my dad begged them.

"You literally robbed my money, I thought you were a good person Jeon Suk kook."  One of them said.

" I am sorry, I will pay everything" my dad begged,. But *shoot* *shoot* that man shot my parents.

Hearing voice a girl and a boy come out of the trees and that both man take them.

"You didn't have to do that" another man said.

"I can't trust him anymore" he said.

"What happened? Why you killed?" A boy asked.

"Nothing Taehyung, he was just being bad to us, so I have to" that man replied.

As they went away.

And I went to my dad and mom's dead body and cry there for God knows how long...

I open my eyes and I was in Jimin's home,. It's my dream, but it's my past.

It was your dad taehyung, your dad killed both of my parents, I will never forget it.

"I make sure to make you cry as much as I do at that time"~

To be continued~

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