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"This is it." My husband said next to me with an arm around my waist

"It's beautiful." I said

We finally bought our dream house and now we were in front of it admiring it

"Come let's organize it." He said pulling me inside

Boxes everywhere you could think of, the wide space of the first floor and the beautiful staircase to the second floor

"Our happy place." He said kissing my cheek

We began organizing everything, putting the new white fluffy couch in place the gray and black pillows. The kitchen with the amazing island in the middle where we could do our late-night cooking

The second floor was just as important, the room where we would spend our night together, loving each other, the queen size bed, the beautiful curtains flowing with the wind

It was about 1 in the morning when we finished every single last detail, we threw ourselves in the bed

"You think we can sleep now?" I asked and he nods

"I could just cuddle with you right now." He said trying to hug me

"Yeah, you're taking a shower first." I said and he pouted, I smiled kissing his pout away "Well then you can cuddle all you want." I said

After both taking our warm showers, we both lay on the bed pulling the comfy duvet

"Love?" My husband called

"Yes?" I asked

"What would you do if suddenly I lost every single memory I had?" He asked

"What STUPID question is that?" I asked sitting up surprised

"No- it's an example." He said

"Um well, I would fight for you, for with you." I said looking at him and he smiled

"I love you." He said

"I love you more." I said before I felt the comfort of his embrace, and fell into a deep sleep



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