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What have I done?!

I kissed Seokmin

This so bad

Is it?

He is my husband


He thinks he has a husband out there and me too

So in his mind we are both probably cheating on our partners

Yesterday after I realized that we were kissing each other I ran to my room and locked the door, I know I'm may sound dramatic but I can't face him, I even left to work through the window of my bedroom

Stupid it seems

"Calling Joshua to earth." Wonwoo sits next to me

I look at him, next to him was some of the interns and Mark next to him Jaehyun

"I kissed seokmin." I said and the reactions were priceless

Wonwoo had his jaw on the floor, both the inters Eunseok and Matthew were surprised and Mark and Jaehyun were with a blank face

"Did he regain his memory?" Matthew asked

"Was it good?" Eunseok asked

"Huh...no, and yes." I said smiling remembering the heat of the moment of last night

"Okay." Wonwoo said

"Did you guys talk about it?" Mark asked

"No, I escaped." I said

"Now that is great." Jaehyun said

Seokmin POV

I kissed my doctor

I cheated on my husband

And he did the same

I was lying on my bed staring at my reflection, messy hair, dried up drool in the corners of my mouth, my face a bit swollen

I get up and change clothes, washing my face and brushing my teeth, I see that I'm wearing the golden locket and I clip it off putting it on the side of the sink. I think about the kiss, how it felt amazing, so familiar, the way he sat on my lap



Relax Seokmin

But somehow the kiss felt like I've kissed his soft lips, his waist perfect in my hands. I get out of the room and look around, he isn't home right now. I probably made him upset because I did the first move

He is probably furious

I take my mind off the moment of last night and decided to explore the warm and calm house, it was big enough for a family of three to live, a cozy living room and a fire place, a very beautiful wood bookshelf, it's had various types of books and albums of artist, and some photo albums, and some small furniture

The kitchen had a island and nice cabinets, the dining room a nice dining table, that could fit six people, I believe e the house had three rooms, the third was probably a office. the back of the house, had a nice pool and a jacuzzi

Winters must me really nice

I go back inside and take a closer look at the shelf, I don't really know about these authors, I mean I probably do but I don't remember, I take a look at the thinner albums, they look like school albums or birthday ones that your parents would hire photographer to take pictures

I pull out a white album, it had a two letters written in the spine

J & S

I look at the cover and it's not much but very pretty, details in black with some white, I open it and and the first photo catches me off guard



Joshua was smiling at the camera while the other man next to him...

Looked like me?

Under the picture, was written

Jisoo & Seokmin

I was so more confused, the man next to Joshua in the picture was me, I was next to Joshua in a wedding album

The man I'm married with is Joshua or Jisoo

I start flipping through the other pictures and I can't lie, there are all beautiful, though I don't remember my favorite one now is probably one where I hug Joshua's back and he looks back at me

I was so distracted I didn't notice I wasn't alone anymore

"Seokmin...what are you doing?" Joshua asked looking down at me, I look at him

"I-" I don't know how to start this "What are you not telling me?" I asked getting up

"Why are you touching these stuff, I thought I could trust you." He said

"Joshua don't change the subject, these are our wedding pictures, when were you going tell me, I'm your husband?!" I said raising my voice I bit

He looks at me

"You were letting me try to remember it with out you saying anything?" I asked and he looks away

I walk to him and Joshua backs up, I grab his hand and pull him to me, I grab his face turning his head towards me

"What else are you not telling me?" I asked

His eyes start to get teary, he still looks at me, but he couldn't say a word, I take my hand out of his face

"I'm sorry." He said looking down, I stare at him and he needs some time, so do I

I start walking to the front door

"Where are you going?" He asked

"I need some time to register what just happened." I said

"Seok, please stay we can talk." He said looking at me and I'm holding myself not to turn back and hug his weak body "Your not like this."

"Yeah, because I don't even know what I'm like, because I can't remember." I said

"Please don't leave me again." He said


Short little chapter

100 words less

I thought of soooo many ways of how Seokmin would discover the secret, this is the only way I could think of

I'm sorry if it turned out bad

About the wedding albums, it's inside a book shelf so Joshua forgot about it

Love yall

~Anyone 🩷

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