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3 Months later

I guess life is getting better

I mean...

I don't know

It's the same for me

Wake up

Go to work

Go home



It's like nothing is changing, at all, today was one of my friends birthday Jihoon, I'm going but the thing is me and my brother haven't talked since then

I'm slowly killing myself

even though Wonwoo knows I'm starving myself, he doesn't do anything to stop it because he knows it's useless

I was getting out of the shower, the cold room and the only light coming from the small lamp I had in my desk, while I changed I dropped my towel on the floor and looked in front of me

My reflection

Once a healthy man, now a unhealthy one that lost half its weight

I was to skinny I could see more then I wanted, my legs thin, my cheeks pink from my hot shower, damp hair and memories

That hurt my heart to much

From nights he would care for me when we would love each other all night, to the dinner I would make after he got back from work, or the cuddles in movie nights

I just miss him

Is it that hard?

I change to something larger so it didn't look like I'm loosing so much weight, grabbed my stuff and made sure I grabbed a six pack of zero coke on the way, that would be his birthday present.

Parking in the medium house that Jihoon and his husband Soonyoung lived, I get out of the car and head to the front door, ringing the doorbell, a already drunk Soonyoung answers the door

"JOSHUA HYUNG!" He said loudly making me frown but open a smile

"Hi Soons." I said

"We thought you wouldn't come- but here you areeeee." He said smiling

For everyone it was difficult, Soonyoung is Seokmin's best friend and when I had to tell him what happened it broke me to see him so down

"Yeah." I said entering the house, I walk to where Jihoon was "Hi Ji, happy birthday." I said and he smiled

"Thank you." He said giving me a side hug

I look around at the small party and across the room I see my brother, not very drunk just very excited, I didn't want to ruin the mood so I just chose a table and sat

"Eat up." I hear a very familiar voice and he sits in front of me, my brother brought me a plate of food and water "Wonwoo, told me about you." He said and I stare at the plate

"You...didn't have to worry." I said

"Shua, you're my brother, we might have fought and for the past months I've never noticed how a horrible brother I am, and I'm sorry." He said looking away "I should be taking care of you, because you're having a hard time." He said and I nod

"I'm sorry too, I'm not the best brother to." I said and he holds my hand

"Are we okay now?" He asked and I smile

"Always." I said he returns the smile

"Eat up then and let's partyyyy." He said getting up, picking up his can of beer

I laugh at my brother


I think I haven't partied like this since college

Dancing in the middle of a living room lights off and colorful light everywhere, I bottle in hand and is singing along to the music

It almost made me forget about all of this stuff that's happening

Laughing, smiling, dancing, getting drunk, it was all stuff  don't do in a long time time

My mind with out thinking roles back to a memory, where in college me and Seokmin met, or in a party like this one, my brothers 19th birthday party, and I met my husband because I spilled the very expensive wine on his very expensive outfit which was white

I was scared like every other dude they would throw harsh words but instead he spoke softly

"Are you okay?" He asked and I looked at him surprised

"Yes...your suit..." I said at him and he shakes his head

"It's not important, are you sure you're okay?" He asked on more time and I nod making a small smile appear in his beautiful lips

"Yes." I said

Only if he was here

A voice wakes me up from my day dreams

"Shujiiiiii." My brothers very drunk voice comes next to me and spines me around

"Hanniee." I said and he chuckled

"I love you my baby brother." He said hugging me

You know he is very drunk if he is saying baby brother

"I love you too." I said hugging him back

He smiles and I smile


Literally had no energy, driving back home I stop in a red light and look around the road and the beautiful lights, when I see a big advertisement of Seokmin in King Arthur costume showing the show dates

I remember how happy he was when he got the role, he worked so hard to get it and I was waiting for him in our apartment with a fresh baked cake with and beer, he first entered pretending to be sad and then he opened his amazing sunshine smile

"I GOT IT!" He said coming to me and tackling me to the couch

"You did?!" I asked

"I'm King Arthur, Soo!" He said pulling into a loving kiss

"I'm so proud of you." I said tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear

"I did it, because of you." He said

When auditions came by, one of the takes for audition was the marriage scene, so I did help him out a bit

"Thank you." He gives me one more kiss before getting up and pulling me with him

"I made your favorite cake." I said and he makes a surprised face

"Really?! Thank you Love." He said


Late updated 😭

Little memories 🩷

Thank you

~Anyone 🩷🩷🩷

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