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The sounds of ambulances and heavy rain, the loud talking of doctors in the ER

"Hey! What do we have?" One of the trauma doctors asked while the paramedics were walking in with a patient

"Skull fracture, heavy bleeding on the right leg, and various open wounds!" One of the paramedics said heading a clipboard to the trauma doctor

"Name?" The doctor asked

"Not identified." Another paramedic

"See if you guys can get hold of family members or any important information." The trauma doctor said, they entered a trauma room and started the fast procedure "Someone calls neurology."

"Doctor Jaehyun!" One of the new interns called

"Yes?!" Trauma doctor Jaehyun asked

"We got some information on the patient." The intern said

"Tell me, Song." Jaehyun said still very busy with the patient

"Male, 5,10, birth date February 18th." Song Eunseok said

"Okay thanks, you wrote that Seok." Jaehyun asked the inter Seok Matthew

"Yes, doctor." He said

"Song find more information about the male for me, do whatever you can to find everything." He said In a very serious tone

"Got it!" He said running to find more information

"Okay, I need an OR ready for this patient." He said pushing the stretcher "Did someone call a neurosurgeon?!" Jaehyun asked

"Yes! He's in the OR." Matthew said

While the nurses and the anesthesiologists were preparing the patient, the trauma surgeon and the neurosurgeon were scrubbing in

"Information about him?" Mark Lee the neurosurgeon asked

"No much." Jaehyun said entering the OR

"Okay, today is a beautiful day to save lives." Mark said

While both doctors were very concentrated on the open brain the intern Eunseok came in the door of the operating room

"Yes, Song?" Mark questions

"Oh hello doctor Lee, I'm here to give information about the patient." EunSeok said

"I'm here, start talking." Jaehyun said

"Okay, he's 21, married for almost one year, in the location of the accident we found the car was hit with a lot of impacts, and with that, we found some lost belongings such as a wallet, a locket, and a wedding ring." He said

"Okay, continue, and someone annotates this." Mark said

"All the belongings are now with the police and will be charged later, oh and full name is Lee Seokmin." Eunseok said so fast no one understood

"Song- again I didn't quite hear you." Jaehyun said

"Hum all the belongings-" Eunseok gets cut off

"No, the name of the patient." Mark said

"Oh Lee Seokmin." He said both surgeons look at each other with a look that no one can define

"Eunseok, do you know if Doctor Lee Jisoo entered his shift yet?" Mark asked

"Yes, since yesterday night." He said

"Okay, let's finish up." Jaehyun said

Hours Before

"Love, are you ready?" Seokmin asked his husband Jisoo

"Yeah..." He responded going downstairs

"Now that we live much closer to the hospital, you won't ever be late." Seokmin said

"Yeah, good morning sunshine." Jisoo said going on slightly tippy toes to reach for his husband's mouth and steal a morning kiss

Seokmin's hands hug Jisoo's waits as both enjoy the late night

"I made you lunch when you're hungry." Seokmin said pulling out a lunchbox

"Thank you." Jisoo said as he separated his stuff "Let's go?" He asked

Both leave the house locking it, their hands intertwined, the gold wedding rings lying on their ring fingers and the beautiful golden lockets around their necks representing the love they have for each other

Both entering the car, Seokmin starts the drive toward his husband's job

"You have a lot of patients today?" I asked him

"Yeah, and a lot other to come." He said "Being a general doctor is so stressful sometimes." He said massaging his temples

"Well when I pick you up, I'll give you a nice massage huh?" Seokmin said smiling

"I will gladly accept that offer." Joshua said "You have rehearsal today right?" He asked his husband about the musical

"Yeah, after I drop you off I'll take a nap and head to the theater." He said

"It's one hour away, right? You have to take the highway?" Joshua asked

"Yeah, but I'll be careful don't worry." Seokmin puts his hand on top of his husband's

"Minnie, my job as your husband is to worry about you." Joshua said

Seokmin parks the car and looks at his husband

"Don't worry love, I'll take care of myself and I'll test you when I get out of the house and when I arrive there." He said

"Okay, you better do that." Joshua said grabbing his bags

"Stay safe love, I love you." Seokmin said stealing a kiss from his husband

"I love you too, sunshine." Joshua said closing the passenger door and walking inside the hospital

While Seokmin drives back home to take a long nap until the time hits for him to go to work, he sees that the clouds start coming together, the clouds turning into a darker shade

After his amazing nap, Seokmin was looking for his script all over the house

"Where the fuck is it?!" He said

It's when a message from his husband saying it was on the countertop

He knows me so well

He texts his husband back saying thank you and I love you, because he was distracted all this time he didn't notice the heavy rain outside, collecting his stuff and fishing out an umbrella, he opens the umbrella and walks to his car under the heavy rain

Seokmin started the car and started driving towards the theater, when it came to the highway the transit was ginormous, while I turned to the next lane I heard a lot of honking the guys on my left were giving me a signal


I see the traffic light turn green giving me the go signal, and I do, it's until I feel a crash so hard and my car turning the glass breaks the airbags are out and I think I just hit my head hard because my car is upside down

The last thing I remember is seeing my locket on the outside of the car


I'm so sorry



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