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"You're finally awake." I hear Doctor Lee Mark say as I open my eyes

"I- what happened?" I asked sitting up and he helped me

"You had a seizure." He said and I hummed in understanding "We had to take your jewelry out of your body for some x-rays." He said and I turned my head to the side

I silver ring and a golden neck in a heart form

"Oh- I don't think it is mine." I said and he looked at me

"Or you just don't remember being yours." He said and now it makes more sense

"Yeah that sounds better." I said and he chuckled "Do you know if Doctor Lee is here? I mean the other one." I said and he looked up thinking about it

"I believe it's his day off." He said

"Oh, I'm glad he can rest a little." I said

"Yeah, he is having a hard time, his husband and all." Dr Mark said

"Yeah..." I said looking at the window view

Joshua POV

"Shuji, please." Jeonghan said holding my hands

"Hannie, no." I said taking my hand out of his

"Please so you can distract yourself a little." He said

"Han, I don't want to." I said and he looked away

"Okay...call me if you need anything." He said picking up his bag

"Hannie, I'm sorry." I try to reach for his arm

"No Shua, after Seokmin's accident you've been putting me to the side, and I get it it's your husband and you're worried and if it was Cheol I would do the same but you don't have to put me to the side, because I'm trying to help you." He said looking at me

"I know you're trying to help me, but you have to understand I don't want to do stuff." I said

"He lost his memory, it will take years for him to get it back Shua! Give up already." He said in my face

This isn't my brother

"No..." I said coming closer to him "I PROMISED HIM I WOULD FIGHT FOR HIM...fight with him." I said and my brother looked scared

"Shua..." he said

"No, this isn't you, because you're one of  my husband's best friends and because of you I met him, so you can't just say to me to give up." I said

"I'm sorry." He said looking away

"I think you should leave." I said and he nods

I see Jeonghan collect his stuff and he closes the door behind him, I sit on the floor realizing what I just did, I had an intense fight with my brother who just wants the best for me, and I messed up again

What Jeonghan wanted me to go to so badly was a small get-together with our friends, but it's my day off and I wasn't feeling like it, I didn't want to be rude but he was forcing too much

I got up and decided to take care of myself


Walking inside the hospital I saw my old patient or the granny Mrs Jeong

"Mrs Jeong, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh, you are here! They told me it was your day off and you wouldn't be here today, but I know you come to see your husband every day." She said smiling

"Oh yes." I said looking at the pot she had in her hands

"I'm here because I promised a chicken soup for your husband." She said stretching out her hands and holding the pot

"Oh thank you." I said

I take the pot from her hands and walk to the surgeon's locker room

"The hell are you doing here today?" Mark asked

"I'm here to visit my husband." I said

"He was asking for you." Mark said, "I mean as a doctor." He said getting up

"Hm." I hum get out of the room and head towards Seokmin's room, I knock on the door and I hear a enter I open the door slowly

"Oh! Doctor Lee, what are you doing here?" He asked

"I came to see my husband, so I came to check on you too." I said closing the door behind me

"I see." He said

"Doctor Mark told me you asked for me." I said pulling a chair to sit next to him

"Oh, he did?" He asked a bit flushed

"Yeah...are you feeling better?" I asked chuckling

"Yeah, much better that you're here now." He said and I was surprised by how much he was flirting "Um sorry, I shouldn't be flirting." He said and I shook my head

"No, I don't mind." I said smiling "Oh, one of my patients made chicken soup, so when they come to bring you lunch if you want some, just tell them and they will bring it." I said and he nods

"That's sounds really good." He said

Suddenly it got really quiet and he noticed how my expression changed

"Did something happen, you look a bit upset." He said

"I... fought with my brother." I said

"About what? I mean if you feel comfortable talking about it." He said

"Well...my husband, he lost his memory just like you, and my brother told me to give up on him." I said "But I told him, I would never do that because I promised him, that I would fight for him, fight with him." I said looking out the window and back at Seokmin

"That...sounds familiar? But I mean it sounds very heartwarming." He said and I raised an eyebrow

"Did you say familiar?" I asked

"Yeah, what you said about the fight frase, it sounds familiar." He said and I think my jaw dropped "But that's not the point and yes, you should talk to your brother, from what you said both of you are a little wrong, he wants the best for you and you are thinking about yourself a little, and right now you only have your brother." He said

I hum in agreement

"Seokmin...do remember anything else?" I asked him and he shook his head

"No." He said


New chapter

I don't know if it made sense or not


~Anyone 🩷

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