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"Wonwoo he doesn't answer my calls or text me." Joshua said inside the surgeon's locker room

"Maybe he's busy." Wonwoo said looking at the rain outside the window

"No...he promised me he would text me." I said getting up and walking in circles "I feel something, like my heart is tight or something." I said squeezing my chest

"Shua relax." Wonwoo said getting up and holding me still by my shoulders

"Won I'm this close to barding in that theater." I said putting my phone in my pocket

"Okay, let's not do that, and yes go see patients." Wonwoo said and our pager beeps

"Why is Mark paging me?" I asked

"I don't know." Wonwoo said

We left the surgeon's room and walked to where the pager said, we walked to the recovery room area and saw both Mark and Jaehyun

"You paged me?" I asked in front of them, they look at each other

"Shua, we hmm need to tell you something." Mark said a little hesitant

"Jeez Mark, Shua a patient came in this morning..." Jaehyun said "That patient is your husband." Jaehyun said and my heart dropped

"W-what where is he?" I asked

Mark led me into a recovery room the sliding door opened and I thought I didn't even have a heart anymore, he was in the bed, tubes in his veins and IV liquid coming and going, he also had a blood bag because he had less blood in the body, a chest tube inside his mouth

"Oh my god." I said coming next to him in the bed, my eyes started to burn, and Mark left the room and slid the curtain giving me privacy with my husband "Minnie..." I slowly bring my hands to his fragile face full of small scares and stitches up wounds

How, why? Tears fall staining my cheeks, I can't believe this, it has to be a bad dream, I hold his hand firm and close my eyes

Outside the Recovery room, Mark, Jaehyun, and Wonwoo watched as Joshua cried in his lover's arms

"How did you guys know it was him?" Wonwoo asked

"Funny thing we didn't, I always look at my patients, but I didn't give a good look at Seokmin, when one of my interns said his name I had to shine the light in his face." Jaehyun said

"Tell someone to fill in his patients and surgeries, he's not in a condition to do anything today." Wonwoo said and both Jaehyun and Mark nodded "Let's leave him there for a while." He said


The sun is out after his of really heavy rain, or the sun is almost gone because the night is taking its place, Wonwoo made sure all of Joshua patients were taken care off, and as he called, Joshua shift was finished and Wonwoo was on his way to Seokmin's recovery room, he slowly opens the curtains seeing Joshua laying his head down next to Seokmin body, Wonwoo slowly approaches a sleeping Joshua

"Shua..." Wonwoo said caressing the man's back, slowly Joshua's head lifted and looked at Wonwoo, Joshua's eyes were puffy and red, his cheeks a pinkish color, and no expression on his face "Come I'll drop you at your house." Wonwoo said

"No." Joshua said quietly "I'm not going, I'm staying here." He said

"Shua." Wonwoo said

"I'm not going anywhere." He said and looked at Seokmin

"Okay...fine." Wonwoo said leaving the room and going to the surgeon's Locker room

"He's staying right?" Mark asked taking off his clothes and putting one more comfier

"Yeah...I think I can make him get out of here." Wonwoo said and Mark and Jaehyun looked at each other


"You called his best friend?" Mark questions

"Best friend and brother." Wonwoo said seeing Jeonghan enter the hospital maid doors, Wonwoo waved at him and he came my way "Hey Hyung." I said and he gave me a small smile

"He won't budge?" Jeonghan asked walking beside me

"I don't blame him, imagine this happening with Mingyu or Cheol Hyung." Wonwoo said to Jeonghan

"Yeah." Jeonghan said stopping when he saw what was in front of him "Oh, it's quite bad huh?" Jeonghan said

Wonwoo gives a small hum and gives Jeonghan a way to go inside the room

"Shuji," Jeonghan said caressing his brother's hairs

Joshua looks at his brother

"Hannie." Joshua gets up and hugs Jeonghan embracing in a warm hug "It hurts so much." Referring to his internal pain

"I know." Jeonghan said caressing the boy's face "So let's go home, eat something, and sleep, you're tired." Jeonghan said

Joshua shakes his head as a no

"Shua please." Jeonghan was almost going to his knees and begging

"I can't leave him Han, not like this I want to be here when he wakes up." Joshua nods

"Look...Shua, if Seok saw you like this right now, he would beg you to go home and treat yourself, so think about what he would say." Jeonghan said

Joshua looks at the sleeping Seokmin and nods his head slowly

"Okay...I'll go, but I will stay at my house." Joshua said

"Okay, come on." Jeonghan was leaving the room but Joshua looked at his husband gave him a light kiss on the lips and walked to Jeonghan

They stop at the surgeon's locker room to get Joshua's stuff, walk to the parking lot, and inside the car, the drive is quiet nothing more than a song playing in the background, Jeonghan stops the car in front of Joshua's House

"Call me if anything happens." Jeonghan said kissing his brother's cheek

"I will." Joshua said with a small smile

Jeonghan is a therapist so he's the mom of the group, Joshua opens the house door, and the vanilla candle scent hits his nose remembering it was Seokmin's choice of candle, the portrait of them on their wedding day on the wall

He walks upstairs to their bedroom, the bedroom neat and clean, the presence of Seokmin already hitting and making Joshua fall on his knees and finally cry

With the loud crying and the hiccups, his eyes burning, and the trembling lips, he just wanted a hug from his lover, he walks to Seokmin's side of the bed and lays down bringing his knees to his chest, he looks at the small portrait at the nightstand, Seokmin and Joshua in high

And in the end, Joshua cried himself to sleep



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