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"Shua please drink some of this tea." My brother offers me a tea with some honey, but somehow I refuse, though it's my favorite

It's been 2 days since Seokmin discovered the truth and I haven't heard from him since and it's worrying me

"I don't want it Hannie." I said almost in a whispers from how I could even handle talking

I feel like my eyes could pop out at any time from so much hard crying, I called my brother and he came right away

"Please Shua tell em what you want." He crouched and looked at me red eyes

I slowly looked at him, my vision a bit blurry

"I want him back." I said almost crying again

"Okay, no crying, it's okay." He sits next to me enveloping me in a tight and warm hug

Seokmin POV

"Here." Wonwoo puts a plate of warm toast with butter in front of me

"Thank you." I said taking a bite of the crunchy toast

"So are you going to talk to him?" Wonwoo asked referring to Joshua "You both look like you had those married people fight and they separate going to their best friend's house." Wonwoo

"Wonwoo, I really want to talk to him, but how am I gonna start it "oh I'm sorry I can't remember" I said and Wonwoo laughs

"Just use your charm, that's how he fell for you." He sips his cup of coffee with creamer

"My charm?" I asked

"Yeah, you're naturally funny, comfortable to be with and attractive." Wonwoo said

"I wish I could remember." I said dropping my head in my hands

"You will don't worry." Wonwoo said caressing my back

"I think it's best for us to go to sleep, it's getting late." I said and he nods

"Need anything before I drift off?" Wonwoo asked

"No I'm good thanks." I take the last bite out of my toast and wash the small plate, I walk to the small bathroom of Wonwoo's apartment and brush my teeth

When I left Joshua's house or our house, I walked about an hour to the hospital, I talked about what happened and Wonwoo said I could stay at his place, which he said when we were in high school any time me and Joshua would fight I would come to stay at his house

I lay down in Wonwoo's couch and pull the blanket but something doesn't feel right, my heart feel tight in my chest and my mind is like a blur, soon I know I'm in deep sleep well I. Think I am

"Rise and Shine, Sunshine." I look to my side covering my eyes, a silhouette in front of the window opening the curtains

The silhouette comes my way and sits next to me, his face soon showing up and it's the most beautiful one

"Come on, time to get up sweetheart." He said kissing my forehead

Is this heaven?


"For you." I hand Joshua a red rose

"Thank you Seokmin." He said with a blush in his cheeks

"Go Seokmin it's your only chance!!!!" Soonyoung screams

I laugh awkwardly and Joshua looks at me confused

"Hyung, I really like you, and you're so perfect and my favorite part of you it your eyes that I could literally get lost in them." I said "So hmm can I be your boyfriend?" I asked and Joshua smiles

"Of course you can." He said hugging me


"Lee Jisoo." The announcer called and my phone already in filming mode, Joshua goes up the stage with his navy blue graduation cap and robe

The professor hands him his med school diploma, when Joshua graduated we were already married

He smiles for the photographer and goes down the stage and I clap like a proud husband


"I'm so proud of you." I said picking him up and spinning him around and he laughs at my cute actions

"Thank you for all the love and encouragement you gave me." He said looking at me

We stare at each other for a while before he cups my cheeks connecting our lips and in a happy and warm kiss, separating he smiles, his most beautiful smile where his eyes would turn to crescent moons


"Minnie." He said softly in my ear while he was seated in my lap

My arms around his waist, while I kissed and marked his naked shoulder, I lick the places where I gently marked

"You look so pretty love." I said kissing his lips, red and perfect plump lips that anyone could dream of having, my hands go to his arms or no biceps "These work outs are really paying off." I said squeezing them and it makes him chuckle

"Hmm, yeah, I like it." He said showing them off "But I like yours better." He said bringing his hands to my biceps


"Nominated for best male music theatre actor is..." the host said opening the envelop "Lee Seokmin!"

I get up and bow to my costars and my husband next to me, he gives me a kiss on the cheek and I go up the stage receiving my award

"Wow...this is amazing and I'm super grateful for this opportunity, I want to thank everyone who is on this amazing musical with me and my biggest support out there, someone who gave me the courage and confidence to audition for such and important role for me, thank you Soo, I love you." I said and go down the stage and I now kiss him on the lips whipping a small thank you to him

And like that a flash of lightning passed through my mind making me wake up in cold sweat

My heavy breathing and my heart beating fast, I couldn't understand what was going on

I look at my surroundings my eyes slowly adjusting to the dark, and I notice where I am

And then it clicks to me

What happened in these past half a year was like faded memories, because now I could remember everything from my knee scrap to my first kiss to now



What do yall think

Love yall

~Anyone 🩷

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