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Wonwoo told me he would drop off Seokmin at my house-our house-so I was organizing some of the stuff, I separated some of his clothes for him to use and made his favorite pizza

But he doesn't know that

While I folded his clothes on top of the bed, I made sure I took down all of our photos together, I heard the doorbell ring

"One sec!" I shouted looking at the side mirror and having a look at myself, I went to the store earlier to buy concealer to see if I can cover my eye bags, I guess it helped

I open the door and I see Seokmin admiring the house, just like he did when we bought it

"Seokmin, hi." I said and he looks at me with a smile

"Hi Doctor Lee." He said na do make way for him to enter

He enters the house and I close the door walking with to him, I see him look around at the spacious living room, the open kitchen and the the sliding door to the outside, where the pool was

"Wow...this is a big house, I mean doctors have a lot of money." He said and I chuckled

"I guess." I said and follows me into the kitchen "Would you like to eat first or take a shower?" I asked and he looks up thinking about it

"I think shower, take this hospital smell out of me." He said and I nod

I start walking towards the guest room and he follows me

"This is your room." I said opening the guest bedroom door, it was simple but at the same time very nice, a queen sized bed, a nice wardrobe, a bathroom, and a nice view of the outside

Don't ask me about all this

Seokmin was the one

"Wow, the bedroom is so nice." He said

"This is your room now so feel free to sleep all you want." I said and he throws himself on the bed, taking out a laugh out of me

"My husband had some new clothes he never used, so you can use them." I said pulling out a small bag with some of his clothes and he sits up looking at me

"Thank you." He said

"And a fluffy towel." I said handing him a white towel

He smiles, we stand there looking at each other and I start realizing I might want to give him some privacy because he wants to take a shower and I start imagining things I didn't want to but at the same time I did

"I'm sorry, I'm going now." I said getting out of the bedroom quickly and going to my bedroom sliding down the closed door

I feel so frustrated, what did I get myself into, I invited my husband that has no idea he is my husband to live with me

I'm so stupid

I look up at the large bedroom, a queen sized bed, to nightstands in both sides of the bed, with a portrait of each other on it and Seokmin fluffy sunshine slippers in his side of the bed, his vanilla candle that he would light up every night while reading his book waiting for me to finish showering so we could cuddle to sleep

I suddenly feel like with no memory Seokmin here would just worsen my situation, my mind will start thinking it's my husband, which he is, but it's not, I mean I don't even know at this point

Getting up I make my way to out walk in closet, my side and his side, there wasn't really a difference we would always borrow each other's clothes, each others shoes jewelry, and much more, behind my dress pants I grab the white box  and open it, all the photos I took down of him, I look to the side in another box, more special, our marriage photos

I decide to put them all away and go to the living room, see if Seokmin finished showering, I walk out of the bedroom to see Seokmin looking at a picture of me when a kid

"You looked very adorable when you were a kid." He said noticing my presence

"Thank you." I said smiling and going at his side "Should we eat?" I asked and he nods

He sits on the island stool, I take the pizza out of the oven and putting it on the center of the table, his jaw drops and I laugh

"Impressed?" I asked taking out a with bottle and two wine glasses

"I love pizza! And it smells so good! Did you make it?" He asked while I put some whine on both of our glasses

"Yep, it's a recipe from my husband mother." I said "He does it 10 times better than mine." I said handing him his wine glass

"Cheers?" He asked and

We tap our glasses and we take a sip putting out glasses down, I cut a slice of pizza for him and me

"Dr Lee?" Seokmin asked

"Yeah?" I asked

"Would you mind telling me your name?" He asked

Why did that hurt?

"Joshua, Lee Joshua." I said and he nods

"Pretty name, for a pretty person." He said and I almost choke on my pizza "Sorry, Im really used to be flirty." He said and I nod

I know that

You flirt with me like every second you have when you had your memory

"This is so beautiful." I said

"Just like you." He said

"I'm aware." I said

"Joshua, I f you mind me asking, but..." he said looking around "Why don't you have and photos of your marriage?" He asked

I stop chewing and look away

"Sorry, I shouldn't be asked you personal stuff like this." He said and I shake my head

"I took it down, it's makes me miss him more." I said simple and cold

The thing is that he is right in front of me, which make me miss him even more


A update

A great day

It's Friday for me so yeah, NO SCHOOL WORK

Love yall

Stay hydrated

Eat a lot

Should I keep Anyone🩷? Or change it to Estef🩷?

~Anyone 🩷

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