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"Soo my love." My husband calls me while I'm sitting in the couch

"Yes sunshine?" I asked looking at him

"I was thinking...would you like want to go one a date with me?" He said sitting next to me and holding my hands

"Mhm sounds nice." I said brushing a my hand on his silky hair

"Get dressed then." He said leaving a kiss in my lips and leaving me confused

"But- oh well I guess." I said getting up and going into the room to take a shower

I remember the sweet moment of our last date, nothing more then a normal date in our garden with strawberries and roses

"Are you going to sell the house?" My brother asked me while I was cutting some fresh strawberries

"No...I know it's a lot of stuff for me to pay, but his house is his dream, he will remember me one day." I said

"Shua...he will, I know he does want to remember you." He said dipping the strawberries on the chocolate

It's been 7 months since Seokmin's accident and 6 since he woke up with out memory

"I should get these in a box and leaving it in the daycare before it starts raining." Jeonghan starts putting the chocolate covered strawberries in a box

"I still need to go visit him." I said

"I can give you a ride?" My brother offered and I declined

"I still have some stuff to do, I'll go with my car." I said, he hugs me and leaves

Leaving me alone in this house which started getting scary to be in here...alone

Not even seconds later, heavy rain started to pour and while I was cleaning up the kitchen the house lost energy, I payed though, I double check if I actually payed the electricity bill and I did

Maybe the rain affected the outside wires

But now it was all dark and lonely, just like my heart
(I cringed with this line help-)

3 years ago

I was in my dorm, dark and lonely, when I decided to do med school I wasn't alone because my brother is older then me and Wonwoo is younger, but someone promised he would always visit even thought our dorms were almost 2 hours away from each other

Some stupid kids cut the electricity wires so the whole campus is black hole dark, I hear a soft knocking and with calm and slow steps I walk to the door

"Who is it?" I asked

"The sun to light up your darkness." He said and I chuckled

Opening the door, a smile so bringer I actually thought my door was going to light up

"Hi love." He said entering the apartment closing the door

"Hi sunshine." I said and he pulls me for a kiss

Seokmin with his saved up money wanted to buy a apartment together but our schools were in cities that were very distant, so I would take very long for the trip back, I told him to not waste his savings on me, so he is doing musical theater arts in a college in soul when I'm doing med school in another city famous for its great doctors

"I'm impressed you are here." I said looking at his sparkling eyes after we separated from the kids

"Well i might be scared of the dark but I had to check on you somehow." He said hugging me

"Thank you." I said and he smiled kissing the tip of my nose

"I was thinking of spending the night." He said I nod agreeing "and maybe cuddle..." he said kissing my neck

"Is there some second intentions to that?" I asked and he chuckled

"I mean...if you want love, but, I really missed you it's been 2 months with out you." He said and I feel a hand on my lower waist getting closer to my butt

"Very sneaky." I said pulling him by his collar to my room


The ghost feeling of his hands around my body

Fixing up some meds, I feel hands around my waist and a warm breath against my neck

"Boo." I hear a soft voice and a chuckle

I turn around and see my lost loved patient

"Seokmin." I said his hands still on my waist, I didn't know how to feel, I was starting to get flushed and he noticed taking his hands away

"I'm sorry." He said rubbing his neck and looking away "I was looking for you, to tell I'm getting discharged." He said and I look at him confused

"Wait- discharged no one told me anything." I said looking through my files to see if I missed something

"Yeah, I don't really know where I can stay, but I'll look for something." He said

"Stay at my place." I said really quick

"What?" He said

"Stay at my place." I said a little flushed

"Oh...are you sure you won't be bothered?" He asked and I nod

"It's fine, I have a guest room, you can stay there until you have somewhere to stay." I said

"Okay, thank you." He said "Just tell me when I can come over." He said smiling

"Ok..." I said

What did I get myself into right now


I open the main door and I'm greeted my a dark house, turning on the light I see how many portraits of me and Seokmin I have, great let's take it down

I put my bag down and start changing the pictures in the portraits, putting the ones of me and Seokmin in a new white box, and make sure I hide it well

Because Seokmin's phone is with me, I decide to lie a little and give him a new phone, but the same number, I change the phone numbers and hide the other one

Pray for myself


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