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Back to work

Need to pay the bills

Can't be getting depressed

It's something Joshua would keep saying while walking around treating patients in the hospital, Seokmin left the recovery room and now he's in a normal one

He would force himself not to go in there and spend another 5 hours, he needed to concentrate on his work

Today he had to be home early because of the dinner with Seokmin's family, Joshua isn't nervous it's that it's the first time he had dinner alone with them

"I heard your husband is in the hospital." One of the old grannies said

"Um yeah." I said fixing her IV drops

"You know if I was in good condition I would make him some good chicken soup." She said and I chuckled

"I'm sure he would love that." I said with a small smile

"But is he okay?" She asked

"Yeah." I said

"That's good." She said "So I'll make sure to get better first so he has that chicken soup ready." She said

"Okay, so let's start drinking those vitamins." I said closing the door behind me

I walk to the surgeon's room and start changing

"Leaving early?" Mark asked entering the room

"Yeah...I told the chief I would do extra later." Joshua said and Mark nods

"Need a ride?" Mark asked knowing I didn't have a car anymore

"No, I'm good, me and I are going to a car place to buy one," I said waving him goodbye and going down to where Jeonghan was, I saw him parked right in front of the hospital I opened the passenger door

"Hi, Shuji!" Jeonghan said very excited

"Hi...why are you so happy?" I asked putting on my seatbelt

"Kkuma is having puppies." He said with a cute smile

"Oh! Really?" I asked surprised

"Yeah!" Jeonghan said starting the car

"That's amazing Hannie, how did you discover?" I asked

"Cheol noticed she was a little lost or confused, she throws up a lot actually, so he brought her to Vet and they did an ultrasound, and she's pregnant." He said

"He must be very happy." I said

"He is, he's planning everything but I told him that we could donate some of the puppies." He said

"Yeah that a good idea." I said

Soon Jeonghan parks in the car place and we get out, with the money that the insurance gave I planned on fixing the old car but to fix the car it was so much more expensive then buying a new one. Me and Jeonghan were walking around looking at the cars until a white, 5 seats, SUV caught my attention

"This one?" Jeonghan asked

"Yep." I said

We go inside and talk to the guy in charge, we stay there for about 2 hours and in the end I came out with a fresh new car

"Okay, good luck on your new car, and also I have a little gift for your new car." Jeonghan said giving me and Sun ornament to put in the mirror

"Oh Hannie, thank you." I said hugging my brother

"Call me after the dinner, okay, and be careful." He said kissing my forehead

"I will." I said sitting in the drivers seat

We bid our goodbyes and I start the car taking a deep breath and I tie the ornament in the mirror, and start driving towards Seokmin's family house, when I get there I have to take other deep breaths because it's much pressure, I get out of the car and walk towards the front steps knocking on the door

Mr. Lee opens the door, and gives me a gentle smile, pulling me into a warm hug, catching me off guard I hug him back slowly

"Come inside Joshua." He said and I do the warm smell of Mrs Lee cooking is delicious

"Excuse me." I said bowing

"Joshua dear, sit." Mrs Lee said motioning to the table

I sit down a little awkward, Mr Lee sits down and Mrs Lee brings the food also sitting down

"You guys want to ask questions right?" I asked

"No, Joshua, sweetie, we want you to feel at home." Mrs Lee said "I mean we are very upset, but we trust you, we know you're taking care of Seokmin." She said and I smile

"Thank you." I said eating the food

"I see you bought a new car." Mr Lee said

"Yes, it was way cheaper than fixing the old one." I said

"Very nice choice." He said

We eat our dinner and I stay a little more to talk, soon I leave because it was getting late, I sit in my car and see that the gas was low, so I stop in a gas station, while I wait in my car I receive a message from Wonwoo, because he's in their the whole day

I open my phone and I immediately freeze

Won 🐈‍⬛
Shua come to the hospital
Seokmin is awake

I pay the gas station and quickly drive to the hospital a park my car and run, I never ran so quick in my life, passing my the doors of the hospital, nurses saying to not run, I quickly stop in front of Seokmin's room, I see Mark check ups on him, I slowly enter the room looking at my husband

He was lost looking around, lost like he couldn't remember us, Mark talks to him and he just nods

"Min?" I call him

He looks at me lost

"Hm yes?" He asked

"Do you know who I am?" I asked hesitant

"Am I supposed to?" He asked looking at me a little worried

Mark looks at and shakes his head

He lost his memory

He lost me

I'm not in his mind anymore

He doesn't know who I am

He doesn't remember us meeting

He doesn't remember us falling in love

He doesn't remember our first kiss

He doesn't remember when we married

He doesn't remember us moving in our dream house

He lost everything

Every single memory


Well he lost his memory

I'm sorry

Love yall

~Anyone 🩷

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