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1 month later

Seokmin has been living with me for 1 months and it's been nice, we have movie nights or days I'm just so tired I don't see him, today was a work day

My alarm clock signals it's time to get up, 4 in the morning and a nice shower, drying my wet body with a fluffy white towel I change into my scrubs, grab my bags, I walk into the living room and see Seokmin awake

Why the hell is he awake so early?

"Seokmin? It's so early, why are you awake?" I asked putting my bags down

"I don't know, it's like my body is used to it, so I decided to make breakfast for you, do you like pancakes?" He asked setting the pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on the island

"I love pancakes, this looks really good thank you." I said sitting down and starting to eat

He hands me a cup of coffee and sits down across from me

"Are you not going to eat?" I asked and he shakes his head

"It's too early for me to eat." He said

"I'm working for 10 hours today, I'll be back around 5 in the afternoon." I said finishing up my breakfast, I grab my bags and keys

"Oh...I made lunch for you." He said handing me my lunch box in which I don't use in probably 5 months

"You did?" I asked even though it was right in front of me

"I didn't know what you liked, so for the past days I would observe what you were eating, and how you reacted for how much you liked it." He said and I melt inside

"Thank you." I said and I let my intrusive thoughts win, I step forward, and hugging him

He doesn't react at first but then I feel his arms hugging my back, the warm feeling I missed, I look at the clock and my eyes widen

"Shit- I'm late." I separate from the hug and grab my things "Thank you, I'll be back soon, love- I mean bye." I said getting out of the house and leaving a confused Seokmin in there

Joshua you almost said I love you

I hit my self for being that dumb


I was singing in some new patients when i see a shadow in form of me

"Hey Shua." I look at there it was my one and only brother

"Hi Hannie." I said

"I heard Seokmin got discharged and you invited your own husband to live with you?" He asked chuckles and I roll my eyes

"It's progress." I said

"Let's go eat lunch." He said and I nod getting up I get my lunch box and we head to the surgeons rooms, we sit down in a circular table

I open my lunch box and the sweet smell of kimpab and fresh made ramen, and a sweet note

I hope you enjoy your lunch Joshua, I have a surprise when you get home! Eat well and drink a lot of water


"How cute." Jeonghan said and I put the note inside my folder

"Yeah..." I said

We eat and talk a bit

"Shua." Jeonghan started "You know Seokmin has been going through some physical therapy, right?" Jeonghan asked and I nod

"Yeah." I said taking some of Jeonghan's kimchi

"I know it's not right of my part, and should've asked for your permission." He said and sighed "I've been helping him, I'm his physical therapist." He said and I look at him

"So you've been the one helping him." I asked and he nods "I'm glad if you're helping him actually gain his memory back...you haven't told anything right? Like about me?" I asked

"No...I mean he knows I have a brother." He said and I nod

"Okay, that's fine." I said


I feel so bad

I told Seokmin I would be back by 5

Guess what time it is now?

5 hours later

There was a doctor who needed there shift to be replaced so I volunteered, I didn't think it would take this long

Right now it's 10 in the night, the house is dark and the smell of fresh cupcakes around, I turn of the light of the living room and what I see makes my heart melt

It's a plate of cupcakes and a sleepy Seokmin behind it, I slowly head towards it and see the little note


I smile with the small heartwarming action, I slowly caress my hand on his soft hair and admire him sleeping, his once sharp features are now soft and relaxed while sleeping

"I love you." I said in a soft whisper

Some seconds laters I hear a soft whisper

"I love you too..." I almost jump up, but then I remember that he has dreams

For him not to sleep so uncomfortably I shake him slightly and his body starts waking up

"Hm? What time is it? Did I sleep for too long?" he asked rubbing his eyes

"It's 10pm, and I believe you've slept for quite a while." I said "I'm sorry I was late." I said looking at the cupcakes

"It's okay, I know you are trying your best." He said smiling "Did you try the cupcakes yet?" He asked and I shake my head

I grab a cupcake and peel off the paper, I bite into it and it's was so soft and delicious, I feel his stare on me and a soft chuckle comes out of him, his hand reaches for my face and he wipes my frosting mustache

A light coat of pink covers my cheek

"Thank you." I said "They are really good." I said

"I'm glad you liked them." He said "You must be tired, and here I am forcing you to eat cupcakes." He said

"No-not at all, I was actually hungry, and your lunch was really good too." I said finishing the cupcake "thank you, seriously." I said and he smiles


Finished writing at 1:45am

I was playing some royal high
(You better not judge)

And I was watching Nana Tour, If you want o watch it, it's available in Svtflix

Sweet dreams dear readers

Love yall

~Anyone 🩷

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