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My mind was blank

Sitting down on the floor of the storage closet, tears falling that I didn't even notice and someone calling my name

"JOSHUA!" Mark called me, and I looked up "I- talk to him." He said

"What's the point?" I said

"You...look, Joshua, I don't understand what you're feeling right now, because your husband doesn't remember you, and I know you are hurt." He said putting a hand on my shoulder "But at least talk to him." He said

I nod, get up, and get out of the room, Mark following behind

How should I talk to him?

Like a doctor?

I step inside the room, he was quiet looking outside the sunny weather, his hands fidgeting with the hospital blanket

"Hm Hi, I'm your general doctor, I just wanted to do a small check-up," I said and he turned his head around looking at me

"Hi, sure." He said sitting up properly

I get closer to him and take out my stethoscope

"Could you sit up, please," I said and he does

I place the stethoscope in the middle of his chest, and I hear his heartbeat, stable very stable and so nice to hear, I move the stethoscope around to hear his heartbeat from different angles

"Your heartbeat is very stable, that's very good." I said and he smiles

And I immediately melt, that smile that kills me every time

"You are very gentle." He said

"I- hmm thank you." I said a little shy, a thin layer of blush coating my cheeks

"Doctor...I didn't get your name." He said

"Oh yeah, of course, I'm Doctor Lee." I said and he was surprised

"We have the same last name?!" He said

I wonder why

"That's nice." I said

We stayed quiet for a while and surprisingly it wasn't awkward, I was comfortable

"I'm sorry doctor Lee, but I know that I lost my memory because the other doctor Lee said I did, so I can't take off my mind that I know you from somewhere, like do we know each other, like personally." He asked

So much more than personally

"No...I'm just a random doctor." I said "I'll come back later, rest okay." I said leaving the room

Mark who was in front of the room at the counter, writing something comes to me

"So?" He asked

"He knows I'm something but can't remember, he asked me if we were like knew each other personally, I just said I was some random doctor," I said

"Josh..." he said

"Mark, it's hard okay, I'm not just going drop a bomb and say, oh yeah I am someone to you, I'm your husband and you can't remember me." I said a little nervous

"Okay...fine, it's your lunch break anyway go eat something." Mark said and I nod

Walking towards the cafeteria I bump into someone, making me fall on the floor on top of them

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said feeling hands around my waist

"No you're good don't worry, are you okay?" The doctor asked

"I'm fine thank you." I said getting and dusting off my clothes

"I'm Doctor Tuan." He said standing out a having to shake

"Doctor Lee." I said shaking his hand

"Are you going to the cafeteria?" He asked

"Yes," I said

"So would you like to grab lunch with me?" Dr. Tuan asked

"I mean sure." I said

We walk to the cafeteria, we wait in line, while I grab my orange juice I hear some doctors talking

"Look it's the doctor with the husband that lost his memory." One of them said

"Is the husband here?" Another asked

"Yes, I heard he woke up and he doesn't remember a thing." The first one said

"The poor guys must be so upset." The second one said

I take a deep breath and give my tray to the lunch women

"Hm sorry, keep it please I'm not hungry." I said leaving and Dr. Tuan gave me a confused look

I walk away and I feel a strange stare at me, walking to Seokmin's room, I see him fidgeting with his fingers

"Hi Seokmin." I said pulling a chair and sitting next to him

"Oh hi, Doctor Lee." He said opening a small smile "Do you need something?" He asked

"I- no, it's just that I'm not hungry and you're a little lonely in this room, so I thought maybe you would like some company," I said

"Of course." He said "Do you want to talk about something." He asked looking at me with full attention

"Yeah." I sit up properly "I feel very lonely you know because my husband suffered an accident and now he's in the hospital." I said

"Oh...I'm sorry, I hope he's getting better." He said with a cute pout

"Yeah, he's fine now, he's stable and very awake," I said

"Is he in this hospital?" Seokmin asked

"Yeah." I said

"Wow, I should meet him one day, he is very lucky to have you, because if you weren't married I would try to make you mine you know." He said a little shy and I chuckled blushing

"Well thank you, but yes, he is very lucky, but I'm the one that is lucky here, he is an amazing husband, he's always there for me." I said

"Wow, you guys must be really strong." He said

"Yeah, nothing can separate us." I said

"I hope he goes home soon, so you don't have to be upset." Seokmin said and I smiled at his kind words

"Yeah, I do too," I said

"Do you want a hug?" He asked opening his arms

"Hmm, sure," I said hugging him

His strong arms around my waist and his sweet smell, the comfort of his hug, I miss this, our cuddles every night, small hugs and kisses

We separate and I smile

"Thank you for hearing me out." I said

"Of course, you can always count on me." He said and I nod


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