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"How's your husband?" Seokmin asked while he ate his cereal

"He's having breakfast just like you," I said fixing his IV fluids

"Hmm." He said while he had some cereal inside his mouth "Do I have family." He out of know where asked

"Yes, you do." I said taking his finished cereal bowl away

"Can- can you tell me how I lost my memory?" Seokmin asked

I nod coming closer to him "Well, you got into a car accident, and your car I flipped over making your head have a hard hit and then you had a skull fracture, making you lose your memory." I said and he nods

"Why...do I feel like I'm missing something, like I have a whole life, a family, a house, someone waiting for me, and I'm here not remembering a thing about this person." He said his eyes shining like he was about to cry

I hold my tears in


You do have someone at home waiting for you

"Don't worry, I believe this person will be waiting until its last breath for you." I said opening a gentle smile

"Wow, your words are so sweet and calming." He said looking at the window

"Thank you." I said

This feels so much like the time when we met each other, when we started dating, he was so shy, both of us was very shy, but soon we started getting comfortable with each other and then he showed his more dominant side, which is so hot

Why am I thinking of this now

"I have to go now I have a really busy day, but I'll stop later after my shift." I said picking up his cereal bowl

"Okay, don't worry about me too much and tell your husband I said hi." He said waving

"I will, bye ba- I mean Seokmin." I said blushing almost giving in the sweet husband nickname

I leave making sure I leave the cereal bowl tray on the kitchen cafeteria, I make my way to one of my patients that the old granny Mrs Jeong

"Good morning Mrs Jeong." I said entering her room and I see her all smily

"Good morning doctor lee, I just want to know if I can finally go home." She said

"Well..." I look at her chart

She has been drinking her vitamins

"Well I don't see why not." I said smiling

I grab the other clipboard signing her discharge sheet and I hand it to the nurse

"You're free to go." I said and she smiles

"Thank you so much, you are an Angel." She said

"Well that more my brother but I don't see the problem of me being an angel too." I said, giving her a quick hug and leaving Wonwoo walking by my side

"Jeonghan hyung an angel my ass." He said and I laugh

"He is when he wants to." I said grabbing a new clipboard

"Nope it's just the looks." Wonwoo said separating ways


I was putting my coat away and grabbing my stuff to go home, when I was passing by my husbands room I see doctors around him and Mark

"Hey...what's going on?" I ask worried

Mark looks at me

"He had a seizure." He said

"Why didn't you page me?" I said looking at Seokmin with a expression that something is hurting

"I did multiple times, but they said you had a full schedule today." Mark said giving the other nurses and doctors signals to leave the room

"Is- he okay?" I asked

"Yeah, the seizure was light, but he looks tense." He said looking at Seokmin

I nod and Mark leave paring my shoulder for emotional support, I sit in the side of the bed, I look at his tensed but gentle face, I bring my hand carefully and caress the side of his face, his tense expression fading into a calm one

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you." I said "I miss you." I bring my hand to his hand taking it in mine

His skin was pale and his rose colored lips were a whiter color

"I understand if you aren't ready to come back, but...I need you Minnie." I bring his hand to my cheek

"Jisoo..." he said, like a whisper

I immediately jump up and look at him surprised

"Seok?" I ask closer

"Soo love...?" He said again and I must be dreaming

I leave the room and see mark writing something in his clip board

"Mark! He's saying my name." I said and mark looks at me confused

"What do you mean?" He asked walking back to the room

"He first said Jisoo, and then Jisoo love." I said walking with him

Mark looks at Seokmin

"Josh...he's dreaming." He said

"What...?" I asked

"He didn't get his memory back, he's dreaming, and he's saying what he is dreaming." Mark looks at me

"Oh..." I said

"I'm sorry Josh." Mark said leaving


I was walking out of the hospital when doctor Tuan stopped me

"Dr Lee!" He said coming to me

"Yes?" I asked looking at him

"Do you maybe want to go to a bar together?" He asked

"No." I said walking away

"Why?!" He asked shouting

"Because I'm married to a guy that doesn't remember me, but I believe that he will remember me one day!" I said shouting back

His face is surprised and he doesn't have words for what I just said

"Good night." I said


A dark and lonely home, no cuddles and kisses

No food in the fridge because I was never in the mood to go grocery shopping

The cold bedroom

The hot tears sliding down my cold cheek

Me hugging the pillow like I used to hug Seokmin

I thought that he remembered me

Like really did

But it was just a dream

And like every other night I cry to sleep, my eyes puffy and my head hurting

And most of all my heart aching


Sad chapter 😭

But we're getting there 🙌

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