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I don't know what to feel, it's like my body isn't here anymore

I was lying down on the couch with a blanket Seokmin's made for me, I felt so empty, my eyes were burning from all the crying, I felt nasty, my hair not in good condition, and if I even thought about getting up I might just fall hard on the floor

My hearing it's like it disappeared but why is someone ringing the doorbell like some maniac, if I had my phone close to me I could see who it was

I gather all the energy I had left which was none, I warp the blanket around me, and in slow steps, I make my way to the door, I turn the lock and open the door revealing


"Seok-" I didn't have to react when my body was engulfed by his warm arms, he hugged me too tight "I can't- breath." I said and he separated looking at me straight in my eyes

I wanted to ask what he is doing here but it's like it's something else

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, I can't understand what's happening right now, his arms hold me because if he wasn't I would be on the floor a long time ago

"It's me love...the one who promised to be part of your life." He said and I realized what changed

I feel my eyes burn again but I didn't want to cry because I cried for the past 3 days straight I can't handle it anymore

I looked at him with anger in my eyes, I wanted to punch him so bad

"You!" I point my finger at him "You..." and that's when it collapses I cry and hard

He hugs me tight, his shirt wet from tears that have been locked up for so long, just for this moment

"I'm here, I'm sorry." He said caressing my hair, my loud sobs mixed with his crying

Two cry babies

Two lovers

Two boys

Two guys who fell in love

They are now loving each other again after an emotional heartbreak

A hug that could cure anything, a kiss that could solve all problems

1 week later

I was hugging him while we were cuddling on the couch, his hand on the small of my back while he hummed a soft song

This past week was an emotional roller coaster because even though my husband had his memory back, it was hard to believe and I would cry every time

We also talked about my well-being which I knew he would get worried about, I'm not the same Joshua who he dropped off 6 months ago in the hospital

I was more tired, skinnier, weaker, and I developed an eating disorder, Seokmin wasn't happy at all but he didn't show it visibly so I could see, and depression of course

I asked he how got his memory back and he said old memories of ours that he carries in a special place in his heart, the things that happened in the past six or seven months were like in his words faded memories

I took two weeks off to spend with him, which I'm very happy about, he would just spend on cuddling and sleeping, and I wouldn't leave his side for a second

I didn't even notice Seokmin's hand was going up my shirt until I felt his cold hand on my warm chest, he looked at me with puppy eyes and I chuckled

"What do you want?" I asked and he pulled me to be full-on seated on his lap

"You." He said before he brought his lips to me "All of you." He said smashing his lips on mine


I wake up, cold from the air hitting my naked body, I pull the blanket on me and turn to the side looking at my husband's sleeping face, I get closer and his arms wrap around me, I snuggle closer and fall into a loving and gentle sleep

4 months later

A pool party at our house, nothing big just our close friends, Seokmin was outside with most of them, and I was inside talking to Mark's fiancé Haechan

In the past months, Mark finally asked Haechan the most awaited question and they engaged

"I'm glad you guys are happy, anytime mark would come home I would get worried." Haechan said sipping his drink

"Yeah." I said looking at Seokmin who was about to cannonball in the pool with Soonyoung

"Shua come outside for a bit." My brother calls me and I excuse myself walking outside

With the bright summer sun, I was feeling much better, and with the help of some doctors I felt much more confident in myself

I walk to the side of the pool where my husband is and sit on the edge my feet inside the cold water, Seokmin comes to me and lays his head on my knee

"Hello, love." He said planting a wet kiss on my knee

"Hello, sunshine." I said smiling and he opened a smile brighter than the sun hitting my back

"Feeling better?" He asked

"Much better." I said

Seokmin smirks and soon splashes water on me and I look at him, I get up and jump inside the pool, the wave of the water hitting him, I feel arms around me underwater and I go up to the surface looking at his dark almond eyes, I cup his cheeks

"You are beautiful." He said kissing the tip of my nose, he always makes sure he says that I'm beautiful so I know how beautiful I am

I hug him and we stay there in a comfortable space where our family and friends are where we feel comfortable, where you can trust them and they will help you

Maybe it was just an accident that could've caused more pain, but not this time because someone knew I still needed him

Accidents you never know when it happens because it will come when you least expect it



Well my second story is finished and I love writing these, I want to thank all of you again for this, always reading my stories thank you 💛

If you haven't noticed the change of the cloud emoji how it went from raining to just dark clouds and clouds with a sun, it means the happiness is coming back, or Seokmin coming back

For now, I will take some time and not write for a while, I will be active still so no worries

Thank you again for choosing this story means a lot

I love you all so much

Thank you again

~Anyone 🩷

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