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Joshua went to work and I had nothing to do, Joshua lives in a very calm and quiet neighborhood, no drama or fights

I wonder if the real reason there was no photos of Joshua and his husband is actually that makes him sad, I mean I wouldn't try to force him to say anything to a stranger like me

For the past months that I've known him, I realized how a sweet and loving person he is, and I noticed how much he looks skinnier every day, he is probably going through a hard time and I'm trying to help him go through

But he cant hide it very well,he doesn't look like he is suffering at least he doesn't show it, because some nights I can hear soft crying like he is having a bad nightmare that I want just to barge inside his room and comfort him

I was looking for new batteries for the TV controller, because I'm trying to change changes and it won't work, so I decided to checam the back of the controller and guess what, these poor batteries were more melted that marshmallows in the fire

The first place I look in the small draws at the sideboard under the TV, nothing just a photo book, which is collage year book

Should I look at it?


My mind forgets the batteries and I pull out the collage year book, I start flipping through some pages until I see Joshua, but not just Joshua but Doctor Choi, my physical therapist with him, they were hugging each other's side and smiling showing of their first hospital applications

I should ask Joshua about him when he gets back

I continue to flip over the pages and saw the graduation group of that year and the picture of Joshua and under it was what his major was, a proud smile was on his face like he finally achieved his dream

I close the year book and put it back, now actually looking for batteries, I find some and replace them with the nasty melted ones

I finally sit in the couch and turn on the TV to see what's passing, I pass some channels until one finally is okay and sit their

Joshua POV

I was looking through some of the CT scans of Seokmin, still wondering if something inside his brain was affecting the memory loss, and Mark was in front of me looking quite

"I'm trying my best, I feel like not doing it though." Mark said almost biting his fingers off

"Mark please you did enough and I'm greatful for that, now it's mine and my brothers job to help him." I said getting up and putting a hand on his shoulder

He smiles

"Thank you." I said smiling


I open the door of the house, the only thing on was the TV and someone sleeping in the couch, I out my coat in the coat hanger and my bag in the kitchen island. I walk slowly to the couch and Seokmin was drooling a bit and his hand was holding the controller

I decide that it's best not to bother his sleep and I enter my bedroom and close the door, my room was quite big, though it isn't just my room. I go inside the bathroom and turn on the bathtub faucet, I close the bathroom door and take a warm and relaxing bath


Leaving the room I see Seokmin drinking some water and he looks at me

"Oh you're home!" He said surprised

"Yeah..." I said, my hair a bit wet and the smell of cherry blossom in my body, I walk to the couch and drop myself in it, the dark grey couch chosen by my husband, I look at the TV a romance movie was playing

"Joshua." Seokmin starts

"Yeah." I said still looking at the TV

"Do you know Doctor Choi?" He asked and I'm confused

"Choi? I don't know anyone in that name." I said

"Choi Jeonghan." He said and my eyes widen

"Jeonghan." I said and he nods "I know him."

"You guys went to the same college, right?" Now I look at him

"Wait- how do you know that?" I asked sitting up

"Hum...I was looking for new batteries because the controller wasn't working, so I was looking for some and I saw your year book." He said turning away "I'm sorry curiosity got it first." He said ashamed

I'm glad his year book wasn't in their

"It's okay." I said giving him a warm smile "I get it anyone can be curious." I get up and walk to the drawer and grab the year book

I turn back to him and sit down on the sofa, I pat my hand on my empty side and he comes sit next to me

"If you want I can give you a walk through it." I said referring to the year book

He nods

"So I graduated 2 years ago, I was 22." I said flipping the page

I wasn't going to tell him that Jeonghan was my brother, Jeonghan was helping him regain his memory

We spend about 30 minutes talking and laughing about the people inside the book

"I wish I remembered my college life." He said

"I'm sure you are going to remember it, I'm positive." I said caressing his back

"Joshua..." he looks at me deep in my eyes

I felt like it was our first date, out first kiss, our first anniversary, our first night together

"Seok...min." I said looking at his eyes

I feel his hand coming up on me, my hands with our control in his chest, and in a blink of an eye we were connected

Our lips together, both of our lips hot and needy, his wet tongue passes in my lower lip, my body gets up and automatically sits in his lap, his hands on my waist, I slightly open my mouth giving him entrance, his tongue enters my hot mouth

While he kisses me

I start realizing

What the fuck am I doing


Hey people

Are you guys well? Tell me how you guys are doing?

I'm currently writing this in school 😅

But I hope you liked it

I seriously don't know how many chapters this story will have, but I don't want nothing more them 30

Love yall

~Anyone 🩷

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