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5 months ago

"I love you." Seokmin said kissing my cheek

"I love you too sunshine." I said kissing his cheek too

"You know, we should by a big house." He said

"Really?" I asked looking at him

"Yeah, close to the hospital but not to close because I don't want to hear sirens all the time." He said and I laugh

"Okay." I said smiling

"Get a dog?" He asked cutely

"Yes, get a dog." I said smiling

"Yay!" He said hugging me from the back

"Can we go to sleep now." I asked and he nods

With him hugging me from the back we waddle to our small room in our apartment and we drop ourselves in the bed, Seokmin's heavy and built body falls on top of mine

"Minnie, you're smushing me." I said

"Sorry." He said getting up from my body

"Come on let's sleep." I said pulling him by the hand

We get more comfortable in the bed and turn off our lights, cuddling together, facing each other, his strong arms around my waist

"Sleep okay." He said to me and I nod

"I will always sleep with by my side." I said and he places a gentle kiss in my forehead


But...without Seokmin, Joshua wouldn't even sleep, he felt lonely and sad, in a house promised to be both of theirs, in a big house that was his lovers idea which now he was alone in it

In their shared bedroom where most of night they would cuddle and love each other, which now it's a space where Joshua cries his heart out or just doesn't have tears anymore and just think about life

He might even feel happy when he is with Seokmin but his husband doesn't remember him, he calls him Dr Lee, and hurts so much even though it doesn't look like it, he needs to keep a l which his friends and colleagues won't see that he doesn't sleep every night or starve himself  and cry almost everyday is the storage room of the hospital

They were supposed to build a life together and like my brother said it will probably take years for him to even remember me, but I will stay by his side because I promised him I would

He missed the kind words and cute nicknames

"Shua hyung"

Was what he called me when we first started getting to know each other





And my favorite


It was like honey dripping when he called me love, so sweet

Right now in front of me in the bed was envelops of bills, insurance, energy, water, house rent

I'm a doctor but for sure I didn't have enough money for all of this, Seokmin would let me pay one bill all alone, he would make sure we were paying together, im independent but not everyone can be just independent and we have to be dependable in some way


Treating patients, running around

"Shua hyung!" Wonwoo stops me as I carry blood samples

"Yeah?" I look at him

"Give me those." He said

"No." I said pulling them back "why?" I asked

"Look at you, you're pale it's like you're fall on the floor." He said snatching the blood samples from me "So I want you to sit down in a bed and I'm going to do a check up on you because you about to fall." He said dragging me back to a bed

He sits me in a near by bed and hands me a water

"Drink." He said leaving and I just sit there

I stay there sitting in the hospital bed in the middle of a random hallway

"Dr Lee?" I hear the sweetest voice

"Oh hi Seokmin." I said looking at him with a gentle smile

"Hi...why are you sitting in a hospital bed?" Seokmin asked I was about to answer when Wonwoo answered for me

"Because he doesn't take time for himself." He said coming to me with a bad of IV liquid

"Seriously?" I asked and he nods

"Of course, I mean if you want, you can hit hard on the floor." He said prepping my arm to find a usable vein

"Wait- you're sick?" Seokmin asked looking concerned

"No- well, I mean I'm not sure." I said feeling Wonwoo puncturing my skin with the needle and connecting the tubes

"Your work to much, you should rest." Seokmin said coming closer to me "Can I?" He asked referring to the empty spot next to me and I nod

"I'll leave you two now." Wonwoo said winking playfully at me and I roll my eyes

"What was that about." He asked confused

"It's an inside joke." I said and he nods "Shouldn't you be resting?" I asked

"Shouldn't you be doing that?" He asked

"Yeah, you're right." I said "But I mean like, it's no fun sitting around here, go do something else." I said and he shakes his head

"I'm giving you some fun company." He said smiling

"Oh..." I said looking away

"Hey are you okay?" He asked and I look back with my cheeks a bit flushed

"Yeah, it's your smile is very familiar." I said

"Oh my smile! Yeah, I remember someone calling me Sunshine for that." He said and my heart stops

"Sunshine?" I asked

"Yeah, cute right?" He said

"Yeah...very cute." I said "That person must mean a lot for you to remember such nickname." I said and he smiles

"I hope." He said looking at the doctors running around

"Seokmin what is the first thing you would do when you remember you your loved one is?" I asked and he looks at me

Deep in the eyes

His soft siren eyes with such love

"I will kiss them like it's just us in the world." He said looking at me like it was just us in this hospital


Update finally

It's 2024- omg


My heejake story finally came out so go check it out and sorry for the late update

~Anyone 🩷

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