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Jeonghan POV

"Hi I came to see Lee Seokmin." I said to the front desk

"Of course, smile to the camera sir." The front desk lady said and I smile to the small camera

I walk to where the desk lady said and soon I see his room, I knock one the door and I hear a small enter, I didn't tell my brother I came to visit Seokmin, I open the door and I see Seokmin looking at me with a confused look

"Hum hello?" He asked a little confused

"Hi." I said closing the door and standing there "You um probably don't have any idea who I am, but I'm here to help, I'm well your best friend or I guess was I don't know, so if you're willing too, I'm here to help you gain your memory back." I said and he stared at me

"Wow...um, you're my best friend?" He asked and I get closer bringing a chair and sitting down

"Well, yes." I said looking at him

"That's nice." He said "I- that might sound a little weird but what your name?" He asked and I chuckled

"I'm Choi Jeonghan or Doctor Choi." I said

"You're a doctor?" He asked

"Yeah, but I don't work like my brother does I'm a therapist." I said

"Wow, your brother? He works here?" He asked and I stop on my tracks

Joshua didn't tell me about what him and no memory Seokmin were talking about, but from knowing my brother I don't he said he was his husband

"My brother works here, yes, his name is Joshua, Doctor Lee Jisoo." I said

"Doctor Lee? He has two names?" He asked confused

"My brother was born by accident in America, our mom was a famous model and she went to do a small job and then he was born there, but I was born here in Korea." I said "So my mom would name him Jisoo, but one of her friends gave an idea for Joshua more American, so my brother used his Korean name here and his English name there." I said and he finally understands

"That sounds like one experience." He said and I chuckled

"Yeah." I said

"Doctor Choi...you said you could help me right?" Seokmin said

"If you want, yes." I said

"I want your help." He said and I smile

"Okay let's get started." I said


After I convinced the hospital for me to use the physical therapy room to help Seokmin remember everything, I was sitting in front of him and he was with a stretch ball in hands

"I want to start easy and ask simple questions." I said and he nods

"Okay, ask anything." He said

"Seokmin, do you know who your parents are?" I asked

He looks up like he is trying to remember

"I'm sorry..." he said looking down

"It's okay, I'm not forcing you, take your time." I said

"Can we change questions?" He asked and I nod

"Let's do something else, why don't you ask me questions?" I said and he nods

"Why did you suddenly what to help me?" He asked

"Well...because first I messed up really hard with my brother I said some bad things and when you had your memory back we used to sing together when we would throw parties, I want that back." I said and he smiled

"I hope you and your brother talk it out." He said

"I hope so too." I said

"Can you, maybe show me a photo of both of us?" He asked

I fish out my phone and choose a recent photo, I was me and him, we were in Pisa and he was holding a empty ice cream cone under the tower of Pisa and we were "licking it"

"I went to Pisa?!" He asked

"Yeah, it was a couples travel, I went with my husband and you went with yours which is my brother." I said and he looks at me super surprised "You didn't know you were married?" I asked and he shakes his head

"I'm married?" He asked and I nod

"Look at your left hand." I said and he looks at the thin and elegant silver ring

"Oh wow, how pretty." He said mesmerized "so I'm married to your brother?" He asked

"Yeah." I said trying not to give so much "Seokmin I was thinking of us doing this about 3 times a week, what do you think?" I asked him putting my stuff away

"That sounds good." He said smiling

"Great!" I said returning the smiles


Seokmin POV

It was night and I was eating the soup one of Dr Lee's patients made it was really good

"Hi Seokmin." Dr Lee came in smily

"Hi." I said

"How are you?" He asked

"I'm really good and you?" I asked

"I'm fine, I see you're enjoying the soup." He said

"Yep, it's really good." I said "Oh, I actually have a physical therapist now to gain my memory back." I said and he looks at me confused

"You do?" He asked

"Yeah." I said

"Was it good?" He asked

"Yeah I discovered I have a husband." He said and Dr Lee coughs like he choked on his own saliva "Are you okay?!" I asked

"Fine- do you know who it is?" He asked

"Unfortunately no, the therapist said he won't show me any photos because he is trying to see if I can remember on my own." I said cleaning my mouth

"I see." He said "Well I hope you remember it soon." He said

"Yeah, I don't know but like I feel something that he's so close but so far." I said and he nods

"I feel that too." He said

"You know me and you have a lot in common." I said

"Yeah, I see that a lot." He said "I'm going okay, hum sleep well." He said coming to me and taking my plate

"Sweet dreams." I said

"Sweet dreams Seok." He said and I smile with the nickname


Ok first for people that ask me why didn't seokmin recognize the Dr Lee,

People do you know how many Doctor Lee's there are?

So yeah

Love yall

~Anyone 🩷

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