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In the first month, Joshua wouldn't even go to work, just to see Seokmin, he would spend his nights in the hospital and his mornings crying on his husband's side of the bed

His friends would even try to cheer him up and invite him to parties, but he wouldn't go even if they had his favorite things, his favorite thing was inside a hospital lying down on a hospital bed in a deep sleep

"Shua look you here know better than anyone he's in a coma by now." Wonwoo said looking at me

"Yeah." Joshua said holding Seokmin's locket in his hands "I-i need to put this on him." He said referring to the locket and the wedding ring

Seokmin didn't die

So Joshua didn't need to keep the locket or the wedding ring, Seokmin is breathing just fine, he's just not conscious

Joshua gently clips the locket from Seokmin's neck and, places his wedding ring on his left hand on the ring finger, just like he did on their wedding day

Leaving a small kiss on his husband's cold lips, he gets out of the hospital and walks to his brother's office because the car crashed, and there was nothing left

Joshua talked to the police saying the car that hit Seokmin was a fugitive, and the police were after them with the rush he didn't mind stopping at the red light and hitting with full force on Seokmin's driver's side of the car

The fugitive died immediately after the crash because he was not wearing a seat belt so he flew out of the car and onto the road, the police said all the costs of the car crash would be taken care of, and Seokmin's health insurance

I open the door of my brother's office and head to the front desk

"Oh! Mr Lee, it's great to see you here." The desk lady said

"Hi Eji, is my brother available?" Joshua asked

"Hmm, he has a patient right now, but it will be over soon," Eji said

I sit on the comfy couch that I helped choose for the waiting room, the amazing smell of the champagne candle and the soft colors of the office

"I'll see you in a week then Mrs. Kim." I hear my brother say waving to the patient, he looks over the waiting room and his eyes stop at me "Shua, come." He said with that heartwarming smile, I got up and enter his room

The two fluffy chairs across from each other, the small table next to Jeonghan's chair with his pink clipboard

"Tell me how you feel Shua." He asked bringing his chair closer to mine

"I feel devastated, I feel lost, he's in a deep coma and he can wake up in a week, in a month, or years Hannie," I said dropping my face to my hands

"But would you wait for him?" Jeonghan asked

"Of course I would, I would wait my whole life for him," I said looking at Jeonghan in the eyes

"So there's nothing to worry Shua." He said "I know Seokmin is fighting himself to wake himself up." He said and Joshua chuckled

"Fighting himself?" He questioned

"You think he wants to stay like that and miss all this." Jeonghan said noting his hand to me

"No," Joshua said with a small smile

"Just do what you always do, talk to him every day." He said

"Yeah." Joshua said


Jeonghan invited Joshua for dinner and Joshua who didn't have a single thing in the fridge gladly accepted his brother's offer, Jeonghan opened the front door, and the smell of cooked salmon flowed through the air

"Cheolie, I'm home, I brought Shua." Jeonghan announced to his husband locking the house

Seungcheol appears from the kitchen side, he comes to us giving a welcoming kiss on his husband's lips, and hugs me in a warm and friendly hug

"I hope I'm not bothering the both of you." Joshua said, that even though the three of them had known each other their whole lives, Joshua always made sure he wasn't invading their private space

"Bothering? Shua you're our family." Seungcheol said smiling "Please sit down." He said motioning to the table and I saw a little fur ball follow Seungcheol around

"Wow, she's getting so big." I said referring to Kkuma

"Yeah, she is a very quick eater, so grows fast, but she won't grow more than this." He said putting the cooked salmon in the center of the table and the other dishes

Everyone sits down and we have small talk, sometimes the married couple would have a small private conversation in front of me but they know I don't care

"Shua...how's Seok?" Seungcheol asked a bit hesitant

"He's stable, but in a coma," Joshua answered said

"Oh...I see." He said

"There's nothing we can do really," Joshua said

Seungcheol nods his head understanding the situation, they finish their dinner and soon Joshua needs to go back home

"I'll drop you off," Jeonghan said and I nod

Jeonghan was always an amazing older brother, always there for me and other people, always kinda and gentle, but very evil too, and would give very honest opinions when needed

"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite you." He said

"I'll make sure I check my bed then." I said closing the car door and waving, I saw his car drive away

Before I open the door I take a long breath and open the door, it's getting overwhelming how quiet this house is or how dark it always stays, I don't even turn on the lights and just walk upstairs to my shared bedroom

I walk inside and grab a towel, I walk into the bathroom inside the room, strip off my clothes, and turn on the hot shower, I walk inside the glass shower box, the hot water hitting my cold skin, I hug my now warm body

Why is my life so difficult, and Seokmin are a happy couple, who just bought a new house, and we just wanted to live happily but this had to happen



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