This Christmas

279 13 8

Short little one-shot, no smut.

Karen relaxed in a bubble bath, the warm water enveloping her as she closed her eyes, losing herself in the soothing melody of "At Your Best" by Aaliyah. The soft, soulful voice of the late singer filled the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere in the bathroom.

As she immersed herself in the song, Karen's gaze wandered towards Drew, who was carefully shaving in front of the mirror. The sight of him concentrating on his task made her heart flutter, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of affection towards him.

Lost in the moment, Karen couldn't resist the urge to join in with the lyrics. As she softly sang, "Tell me what it is, there's no need to make believe". Karen's singing had always held a special place in Drew's heart. It was as if her voice had the power to transport him to another world, a world where anything was possible. As she continued to sing, Drew couldn't help but be amazed by the way her voice effortlessly filled the room, enveloping him in a cocoon of pure bliss.

Lost in the melody, Drew gently set down his razor and walked over to Karen, his eyes never leaving hers. He took her hands in his, their fingers intertwining with a familiarity that spoke of countless shared moments. The room was filled with a tangible electricity, a silent understanding passing between them.

With each word Karen sang, Drew felt his love for her grow stronger. It was a love that transcended words, a love that didn't need to be spoken to be felt. In that moment, it was as if they were the only two people in the world, their connection so powerful that it could move mountains.
Karen laughed as she watched Dorinda showcase the Barbie doll outfits while Angel recorded it live. The colorful outfits and Dorinda's playful poses brought a smile to Karen's face.

As Karen enjoyed the moment, she looked down and noticed her youngest daughter, Blessing, gazing up at her with wide eyes. Blessing sat on Karen's lap, clutching her milk bottle with tiny hands, her curious expression mirroring her mother's joy.

Karen's heart melted at the sight. She softly stroke Blessing's soft hair, her touch gentle and loving. "Did you like the fashion show, my little angel?" Karen asked, her voice filled with tenderness.

"This is something Karen would wear to an event that says 'wear red," Dorinda said. "I mean, there is red in that."Karen said, "Yeah, one pedal on 10 roses on the dress." Jacky joined the conversation, looking at the dolls dress and making everyone laugh.

Blessing noticed Dorinda's reaction and couldn't help but giggle at her for the first time. "Ahh, I got her to laugh," Dorinda exclaimed, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She picked Blessing up from Karen's lap, cherishing the precious moment. The room was filled with joy and laughter as they enjoyed each other's company.
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