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This shit was long af so it's definitely gon be two- three parts.
Karen's POV

As we were singing and dancing on the reunion tour, I turned around to see Jacky jump. But when she landed, her knee gave out, and she fell. However, she quickly jumped right back up, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Jacky, are you okay?" Dorinda asked, trying not to laugh herself.

"Shut y'all's asses up," Jacky replied, trying to hold back her laughter. Despite the slight mishap, we continued our performance with even more energy and enthusiasm. The crowd cheered us on, completely unaware of the little incident that had just occurred.

Throughout the rest of the tour, Jacky's knee seemed to hold up just fine, and we all shared many more unforgettable moments together. The reunion tour was a huge success, bringing back all the nostalgia and joy from our past performances.

After we finished up, we went to go joke and talk before leaving. "Look, when y'all said jump, Jacky jumped, and her knee went out," I said, trying not to laugh too hard. The whole group burst into laughter, with Kirk struggling to hold back his amusement. Concerned, he asked, "Jacky, are you okay?" She managed to nod through her own laughter, assuring everyone that she was fine.

The room was filled with a mixture of relief and ongoing laughter. It was one of those moments that would become a cherished memory, a funny story to be retold countless times in the future. As we gradually composed ourselves, wiping away tears of laughter, we realized how lucky we were to have such a close-knit group of friends.

The jokes continued to flow, and the atmosphere became even livelier. We shared funny anecdotes, playful banter, and heartfelt conversations. Time seemed to fly by as we relished each other's company, cherishing these precious moments of pure joy and camaraderie.

That night
No one's POV.

Karen lay down as she had her headphones on while everyone else slept. She was on FaceTime with Drew. "I missed you," Karen whispered, her voice filled with longing.

"I missed you too, baby," Drew replied, his voice soft and tender. The distance between them felt unbearable, and they craved each other's touch.

"How much?" Karen asked, her voice barely audible, a hint of anticipation in her tone. "So much that I want to take a flight to where you're going just so I can make love to you all night long until you get pregnant again," Drew confessed, his words dripping with desire.Karen's breath hitched at his bold declaration, her heart racing.

The thought of being in his arms, feeling the heat of their bodies intertwined, sent shivers down Karen's spine. She could feel herself getting hot, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of excitement and arousal.

The intensity of their connection through the screen was overwhelming. The longing between them grew with each passing second, as they yearned for the physical closeness they desperately craved.

Karen tried to compose herself, but her desire was too strong to ignore. "I want that too, Drew," she confessed, her voice trembling slightly. "I want to feel your touch, your lips on mine, and I want to experience that undeniable passion we share."

"Babe, look in the teddy bear I gave you," Drew said, and Karen sat up and looked in the teddy bear bag to see a vibrator bullet. "Nigga, what the hell is this?"Karen asked, her curiosity piqued. Drew, feeling mischievous, flipped his camera to show her himself naked, holding the controller in his hand. "Ohhh," Karen exclaimed, her eyes widening with a mix of surprise and excitement.

Intrigued, Karen sat up in the bunk and reached for the vibrator. She positioned her phone to get a clear view of Drew, who mischievously turned it on. As the gentle vibrations began, Karen couldn't help but gasp in pleasure. The sensation sent shivers down her spine, and she found herself lost in the moment.

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