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Karen lay in bed, but she couldn't sleep. She didn't have any of her teddy bears because her dad ripped them all up, so she couldn't sleep. She could only sleep with her teddy bear "Drew." Karen said, tapping him awake. "Hm," Drew mumbled. "Can you hold me? I can't sleep," Karen asked.

Drew immediately wrapped his arms around Karen, providing her with the comfort and security she needed to finally drift off to sleep. As she closed her eyes, she felt safe and protected in Drew's embrace, knowing that he would always be there for her. Eventually, Karen's breathing slowed down and she fell into a peaceful sleep.

Drew woke up to the bed being empty, and he got up and got ready for the day only to go downstairs to see Karen cooking. "Karen, why are you cooking?" Drew asked. "What do you mean? I have to cook." Karen said.

Drew looked at Karen in confusion. "But you don't have to, I have a chef," he replied. Karen shrugged and continued stirring the pot on the stove. Drew couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

"When I was home, if food wasn't ready by the time the man of the house was downstairs, then I would've gotten beaten. I kinda woke up late, sorry," Karen said, giving drew his plate. "Karen while all this looks good i don't have time to eat all this," Drew said. "Oh..that's okay," Karen said, still trying to see the good in it.

Drew looked at her apologetically, realizing he may have come off too harsh. "I appreciate the effort though, really. It's just that I have a meeting in half an hour and I need to leave soon."

Karen smiled, "No problem, I'll pack it up for you to take with you. Have a good day at work." Drew gave her a grateful smile and quickly finished his breakfast before heading out the door. Karen watched him leave, happy that he at least took a bite.

Karen sat on the phone with her mom. "Karen, you're supposed to wake up at 3 am to get things ready for your husband," Mattie said. "Yeah, but I couldn't sleep without my teddy bears," Karen said, about to cry. "Karen, stop all that crying!" Mattie yelled, making Karen cry more. Karen was tender and sensitive.

Despite her mother's stern words, Karen couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "I'll try to wake up earlier next time, Mommy. I promise," Karen said softly. Mattie's tone softened as she realized how upset her daughter was. "Okay, Karen. Just remember to prioritize your responsibilities," she advised.

Karen nodded, feeling grateful for her mother's understanding. She knew she had to balance her sensitivity with her duties as a wife.

After hanging up the phone, Karen went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for Drew. She quickly washed away the stress of the day.

Drew walks into the house to see candles and roses. He went upstairs to the room only to see Karen sitting on the bed in lingerie. She jumped up like a kid when she saw the teddy bear that looked like the one from her childhood, "MR. CUDDLES." Karen screamed, hugging the bear and smiling.

Karen blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She quickly composed herself and asked, "Did you get this for me, Drew?" Drew nodded, a sheepish grin on his face. "I remembered you mentioning Mr. Cuddles before, so I thought you might like a reminder of your childhood." Karen's heart swelled with affection for Drew, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, whispering, "Thank you, Drew. I love it." Drew hugged her back, feeling relieved that his surprise had been a success. Karen's smile was all he needed to know he had made her happy.

Karen felt that Drew was hard and remembered she was in lingerie. "I can help with that," Karen said softly, feeling nervous because the last time she was close to having sex it was forced. She threw Mr. Cuddles on the chair and got on her knees, unbuckling Drew's pants.

"You don't have to," Drew said, but Karen ignored him and took him down her throat like she was taught. As she continued, Drew's hands gently held her head, guiding her movements. Karen felt a mix of emotions - fear, desire, and a strange sense of empowerment. After a few moments, Drew gently pulled her up and looked into her eyes. "Thank you, but we can take it slow if you want," he said softly. Karen nodded, feeling grateful for his understanding and patience.

Karen slowly took her lingerie off as she started having flashbacks, and she lay on the bed as Drew undressed. She nervously bit her lip, seeing Drew get on top of her, and they kissed. He kissed her neck as he slid in slowly, and her breath hitched as she started silently crying since it was technically her first time.

The mix of emotions overwhelmed her as she tried to push through the pain and fear. Drew noticed her tears and immediately stopped, pulling back and looking into her eyes with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine care. She nodded, trying to compose herself. "I'm just... it's just a lot," she whispered. Drew wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "We don't have to do this if you're not ready," he assured her.

She shook her head. "No, keep going," Karen said. Drew slowly thrust in and out until Karen adjusted, and he started thrusting faster. It actually felt good to her, still a little painful but mostly good. Karen moaned in pleasure as Drew continued to move with increasing speed and intensity. The initial discomfort faded away as the pleasure took over, and she found herself lost in the moment.

Drew's movements became more urgent, driving Karen to the edge of ecstasy. She held onto him tightly, feeling the intensity of their connection grow with each thrust. The pleasure built up until Karen couldn't hold back any longer, and she let go, surrendering to the overwhelming sensation that consumed her. Karen and Drew collapsed into each other's arms, their bodies still tingling with the remnants of their passionate encounter.

Karen pushed Drew onto the bed and started giving him a head as he ate her out. Karen kept choking as she took him deep in her mouth, fondling with his balls and enjoying the feeling. Karen knew Drew was about to cum, so she got up and put him inside her. She rode him until he came inside her, moaning with pleasure as they both reached their climax.

The room was filled with the sound of their passionate lovemaking, and they collapsed in each other's arms, satisfied and spent. Karen and Drew lay there, basking in the afterglow of their intense connection, knowing that their passion for each other would only continue to grow.

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