Oblivious 𝐩𝐭 𝟏

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"Bae, are you sure it's only going to be girls there?" Drew asked, rubbing up on Karen's hips as Karen fixed her bun. Because knowing Karen, she was too sweet and can be oblivious to things, and he didn't want to catch a case.

"Yes, babe, I'm sure," Karen said, kissing him. Drew continued to press himself against her, his hands still firmly gripping her hips.Karen couldn't help but let out a soft moan as Drew kissed her passionately, his desire for her evident in his touch.

As they savored their stolen moment of intimacy, Karen couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Her sisters were due to arrive any minute now.

Feeling Drew's strong grip on her ass, Karen playfully swatted his hand away, giggling at his persistence. "Seriously, babe, we don't have much time," she whispered, her voice filled with both anticipation and a hint of worry.

Drew smirked mischievously, his eyes burning with desire. "Well, then we better make the most of every second, my love," he replied, his voice husky with longing.

Karen nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she quickly adjusted her bikini, making sure it was in place. Glancing around nervously, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the thought of being caught in such a compromising situation
The hot tub was filled with steam and laughter as the group enjoyed their evening together. Dorinda, with a mischievous grin, passed a blunt to Karen, creating a relaxed atmosphere. As the smoke swirled in the air, a guy in the group couldn't help but notice Karen, who was sitting by the edge of the hot tub. "She fine as fuck," he remarked, his eyes fixed on Karen's beauty.

However, another guy chimed in, his voice laced with caution, "But she married as fuck too, nigga. You shouldn't mess with that." He knew the consequences of As he approached Karen, the room fell silent, everyone holding their breath in anticipation. The second guy, who had warned him earlier, exchanged worried glances with the rest of the group. They knew that meddling with someone else's commitment was a risky game to play, one that could potentially end in disaster.

Karen, oblivious to the brewing storm, smiled warmly as she saw the first guy approaching. Little did she know the turmoil that was about to be unleashed. Her commitment to her current partner was unwavering, and she had no intentions of straying. But fate had a different plan in store for her.

The first guy, fueled by his desire and blind determination, finally reached Karen's side. He flashed her a charming smile and began engaging her in conversation. The others watched nervously, they couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy towards Karen. After all, they understood the power of attraction and the allure of forbidden love.

As the night wore on, Karen's hesitations began to fade away. She found herself being pulled deeper into the magnetic pull of the first guy's presence. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to ignore.

The rest of the group watched in silence, unsure of what was about to unfold. They knew that intervening would only complicate matters further, but they couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility. They had warned the first guy, but now they questioned whether they should have done more to protect Karen from herself.

Meanwhile, Karen and the first guy found themselves in a secluded corner of the room. The air was thick with anticipation and desire as they locked eyes. In that moment, all rational thoughts disappeared, and they gave in to the overwhelming temptation.

The guy pulled Karen into a forced kiss, and Karen tried to push him away, but it looked like she was pulling him closer. In that moment, her heart raced with a mix of fear and confusion. She could taste the bitterness of his intentions lingering on her lips, and it only fueled her determination to break free from his grasp.

Summoning every ounce of strength she had, Karen summoned a burst of adrenaline and pushed against his chest with all her might. Her efforts intensified, her hands trembling with the struggle, as she fought to create distance between them. However, the guy seemed to be overpowering her, his grip tightening around her waist, refusing to release her.

Determined not to succumb to his advances, Karen dug deep within herself for a solution. Suddenly, a surge of anger surged through her veins, igniting a fiery determination. With a newfound resolve, she shifted her strategy. Instead of resisting, she decided to use his own momentum against him.

In a swift move, Karen redirected her energy, pulling him closer while feigning submission. It was a risky move, testing the boundaries of her strength and cunning. As their bodies pressed against each other, she could feel the guy's confidence growing, his smug grin spreading across his face.

Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other. The rest of the group watched with a mix of disbelief and resignation, knowing that the consequences of this forbidden connection would soon come crashing down.

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the dimly lit hallway as Drew burst through the door, his face filled with a mix of concern and frustration. Karen, still feeling the effects of the substance she had indulged in, blinked her eyes rapidly, struggling to focus on Drew's figure in front of her.

"Is that Drew?" Karen asked, her voice thick with confusion.

Drew's eyes widened upon hearing his name, a mixture of relief and annoyance washing over him. "Karen Valencia, bring your ass over here!" he barked, his voice filled with urgency.

Karen, sensing the seriousness in Drew's tone, stumbled over herself to reach him. "Yes, daddy," she responded, her words slurred but filled with a mix of obedience and drowsiness.

Without hesitation, Drew swiftly scooped Karen up, throwing her over his shoulder with a strength that belied his frustration.
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karen oblivious ass in trouble.

This was requested by CoCoUSoCrazy. By the way, y'all can text me ideas.

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