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Karen moaned as her husband Andy came and Andy fell on top of Karen, breathing heavily. "This big ass nigga just fell on top of me like Buzz told Woody Andy was coming," Karen thought. Andy pulled out, taking his condom off. Karen hasn't been sexually satisfied in a while, but Andy doesn't care. He just wants to get his quick short nut.

Karen pushed Andy off of her, feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. She knew she deserved better than this quick, selfish encounter. But as Andy hastily got dressed and made his way to the door, Karen couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness.

She longed for a connection that went beyond physical pleasure, for a partner who truly cared about her satisfaction. As she lay there alone, she made a promise to herself to never settle for less than she deserved again.

Karen grabbed her robe putting it on and she went into the the bathroom and took a quick shower. Feeling refreshed, she called her best friend, "Drew, can you come over?" Karen asked. "I'll be there in 15 minutes," Drew said, and Karen smiled.

She quickly dried off and got dressed, eagerly anticipating spending time with her friend. Drew arrived shortly after, and they spent the evening catching up and laughing together.

They made eye contact and Karen kissed Drew. "Wait, you're married," Drew said. "It's an arranged marriage and he doesn't satisfy me. I need to get fucked like a slut," Karen said, her big brown eyes getting glossy.

Drew hesitated for a moment before giving in to the intense attraction he felt for Karen. He pulled her closer and kissed her passionately, their desire for each other overpowering any sense of guilt or hesitation.

Drew ripped Karen's shirt off, kissing her neck. Karen gasped as Drew quickly put her breast in his mouth, and she started moaning. But then he stopped. "Why'd you stop?" Karen asked, pouting. "Stop pouting and go in the room, take all your clothes off, and get on all fours. If you ain't on all fours when I get in there, I'ma fuck you so hard you gonna cum when I touch you," Drew said. And Karen ran into the room.

Karen quickly obeyed, shedding her clothes and getting on all fours on the bed, anticipation building in her. Drew walked into the room with a hungry look in his eyes, ready to fulfill his promise to satisfy Karen beyond her wildest dreams.

Drew slid in "OH SHIT!" Karen screamed, caught off guard as he started slamming in and out, and she gripped the sheets. Her eyes widened as she felt a rush of pleasure course through her body. Drew's movements were intense and relentless, sending waves of ecstasy pulsing through her. Karen's moans filled the room, mingling with Drew's grunts of satisfaction.

As the intensity of their passion grew, Karen found herself lost in the moment, completely consumed by the raw desire that Drew ignited within her. Every touch, every thrust, sent her closer to the edge of bliss. She arched her back, meeting Drew's movements with equal fervor.

Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, a dance of passion and need. The room filled with the sound of their labored breathing and the rhythmic slapping of skin on skin. Karen felt herself teetering on the brink of release, her whole being focused on the overwhelming pleasure that Drew was giving her.

Finally, with a cry of ecstasy, Karen reached her peak, her body trembling with the force of her climax. Drew followed soon after, his own release washing over him in a wave of pleasure.

Drew helped Karen calm down by rubbing on her big round ass and Karen pushed him on the bed, getting on top of him. She slid down on him and they both let out a soft moan. Karen started bouncing up and down on Drew's dick, feeling the pleasure build between them. The room filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the creaking of the bed frame. Their passion ignited as they moved together in perfect harmony, lost in the moment of pure ecstasy. The intensity of their connection grew with each thrust, bringing them closer to the edge of release.

"FUCK" Karen screamed and she tried to run but Drew held her down, thrusting upward. "Drew, stop, I gotta pee," Karen squealed and Drew went faster, hitting her G-spot, and she squirted. Karen looked down, "What was that?" Karen asked, sounding all innocent. "You squirted," Drew said, grinning. Karen blushed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. Drew pulled her into a passionate kiss, both of them lost in the heat of the moment.

Karen's eyes widened in shock as she processed what had just happened. She had never experienced anything like it before. Drew smirked, clearly enjoying the moment. Karen's mind was racing with confusion and excitement. She couldn't believe what had just occurred.

They made out as Drew rubbed Karen's ass. "I'm sleepy," Karen said, and Drew chuckled and held her. They went to sleep in each other's arms, feeling content and deeply connected. The warmth of their bodies intertwined brought a sense of peace and security, as they drifted off into a peaceful slumber, their dreams filled with love and happiness.
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