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Karen got up on the table as she was drunk and she felt someone grab her and she swung her bottle hitting them breaking the glass. "Girl get down now," she heard her boyfriend Drew say and she immediately started getting down looking up at him with her adorable big brown eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said pouting. Drew shook his head, trying to hide his frustration. "You need to be more careful when you're drinking, Karen. You could have seriously hurt someone." Karen nodded, feeling guilty for her actions.

She knew she needed to be more responsible, especially when she was under the influence. Drew helped her off the table and led her away from the commotion, making sure she was safe for the rest of the night.
Skin clapping echoed the room as Drew pounded Karen and she kept moaning all loudly about the wake his whole family. He covered her mouth, going faster and smacking her ass. "Daddy, slow downnnn," Karen whined, but he only went faster and deeper, choking her. She put her hand on his stomach, trying to signal for him to slow down, but he ignored her pleas and continued with his rough pace. The room filled with the sounds of their intense lovemaking, mixed with Karen's muffled cries and Drew's grunts of pleasure. Despite her protests, Karen found herself getting lost in the moment, surrendering to the raw passion between them. And as they reached the peak of their ecstasy, the room was filled with a symphony of their shared pleasure.

Drew pushed Karen's head into the pillows as he pounded fast to the point where it hurt, oh so good. Karen held onto the sheets, ripping them. "Slow d-down," Karen said, breathing heavily as Drew grabbed her hair, pulling on it.

Drew ignored Karen's plea for him to slow down and continued to thrust with intensity. Karen's breath became ragged as she tried to keep up with his pace.

The sensation of Drew pulling on her hair only added to the intensity of the moment. Despite the pain, Karen found herself getting lost in the pleasure of the moment. Drew's movements became more erratic as he reached his peak, and Karen's body tensed in anticipation. Finally, with a loud groan, Drew released, collapsing onto Karen's back. Both of them were left breathless and spent, their bodies intertwined in a tangle of limbs and sheets.

As they lay there, basking in the aftermath of their passion, Karen whispered softly, "I love you, Drew." Drew's heart swelled with emotion as he kissed the top of her head, feeling grateful for the connection they shared.
Karen woke up in pain so bad that she woke Drew up. "Huh," he muttered, half asleep. "Nigga, my leg hurts," Karen cried. Drew sat up and moved the cover to see Karen's leg swollen a bit. "Damn, did I fuck you that hard?" Drew asked. Karen popped him. "Nigga, that's not funny," Karen cried.

Drew immediately regretted his comment and pulled Karen into a hug. "I'm sorry, babe. Let's get you to the doctor, okay?" Karen nodded, grateful for Drew's concern. Together, they went to the hospital to get Karen's leg checked out. It turned out to be a minor injury, but Drew made sure to pamper Karen and take care of her until she was back on her feet - literally.💀

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