Well damn

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Karen leaned on the dresser rocking her body side to side in pain as Drew was running around trying to get him, Karen, and Kierra dressed. "Drewww!" Karen yelled in pain, gripping the dresser and scratching it as she felt contractions. Drew put Kierra on the bed before helping Karen put her slippers on. He then guided her to the car, making sure they had everything they needed for the trip to the hospital.

"Drew," Karen said. "Huh?" Drew asked. "You forgot something," she said. "What?" he asked. "OUR DAMN DAUGHTER!" Karen yelled. "OH SHIT," Drew said, getting out of the car and running into the house. He ran upstairs to see Kierra on the bed, sucking on her fingers. "Come on, baby," Drew said, grabbing Kierra and running back to the car. Drew quickly buckled Kierra into her car seat and then got in the driver's seat, breathing heavily.

As they drove, Karen's contractions grew stronger and closer together. Drew reassured her, holding her hand tightly as they made their way to the hospital. When they arrived, Karen was quickly taken to a room and the family got there and got Kierra.

"okay it's time," the nurse said and the doctors along with Drew went and got scrubs on. But Karen couldn't take the pain anymore so she started pushing. By the time a nurse came in, the baby boy slid out and cries filled the room. Karen laid back on the bed breathing heavily, tears of joy streaming down her face as she held her newborn son in her arms. The doctors and nurses worked quickly to clean the baby up and check his vitals. Everyone in the room was filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the miracle of new life.

Drew and Kierra came into the room and kissed Karen's forehead as she was breastfeeding J.Drew. "Thank you, now I can go home and get ready for church," Drew said. Karen flicked him on the forehead. "Ow, damn it," Drew said, and Karen laughed. Kierra ran to the bed. "Uppiessss," Kierra said, reaching out her arms for someone to pick her up. Karen smiled at her children and felt grateful for the love and joy they brought into her life.

Drew put Kierra on the bed, and Kierra just stared at her baby brother. "You wanna hold him?" Karen asked, and Kierra quickly nodded. "She already washed her hands," Drew said. Karen covered up her chest quickly and gently burped J.Drew before gently laying him in Kierra's lap.

Kierra kissed his forehead, feeling overwhelmed with love and joy as she held her baby brother for the first time. The bond between them was instant and unbreakable. Karen and Drew watched with smiles on their faces, happy to see their children bonding so quickly. It was a moment they would never forget.

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