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Karen drove to her sister's house and she knocked on the door. Jacky opened the door to see a sobbing Karen holding a car seat with a screaming, hungry Kadence. "What's wrong?" Jacky asked, getting the car seat.

"I'm so tired and in pain, I almost ripped my stitches last night. Drew isn't helping me. I had a breakdown and almost dropped Kadence off at the fire station," Karen said.

"Okay, look, go take a nap and I'll look after Kadence," Jacky said. Karen laid on the couch, going to sleep, and Jacky rocked Kadence, giving her her bottle.

As Karen drifted off to sleep, Jacky gently rocked Kadence in her arms, soothing her with the bottle. Jacky felt a wave of compassion for Karen, knowing how difficult it must be for her to feel overwhelmed and in pain.

She vowed to support her sister in any way she could, especially during this challenging time. After Kadence finished her bottle, Jacky carefully placed her in the crib and sat down next to Karen, keeping watch over both mother and daughter as they rested.
Karen walks into the house only to hear the bed creaking. She went upstairs and busted into her room to see Drew fucking a girl. Before Karen could get her words out, she started swinging on Drew, beating his ass.

The girl grabbed her clothes and left, and Drew pinned Karen to the floor. Karen fought back, kicking and screaming until she managed to push Drew off of her. She quickly grabbed her things and ran out of the room, feeling a mix of anger and betrayal. She knew things would never be the same between her and Drew.

Karen ran and she got into her car. She sobbed as she drove, not comprehending anything. Karen ended up at a bar and she went in. She realized it was full of guys and she ordered drinks back to back. She didn't want to feel anything at the moment, she just wanted to be numb.

Two guys started flirting with her and she would flirt back, enjoying the attention and the distraction from her thoughts. The loud music and dim lights of the bar created a hazy atmosphere, and Karen found herself lost in the moment, trying to forget about everything else that was weighing on her mind. She laughed and danced with the guys, letting herself be carried away by the thrill of the night. For a brief moment, she felt free from all her worries and responsibilities, lost in the intoxicating haze of the bar.

"Where's your car?" one of the guys asked, helping her out of the bar. Karen stumbled over to her black Mercedes, and the other guy grabbed her keys. They put her in the back seat and drove to a nearby motel. As they pulled into the parking lot, Karen's head was spinning, and she could barely keep her eyes open. The guys helped her out of the car and into a room, where she collapsed onto the bed.

Present time

Karen woke up confused as she heard trash bags, and she saw three big garbage bags on the floor. She got up to see Drew packing her stuff. "Uh, what the fuck?" Karen said. "You're moving to the guest room," Drew said coldly. Karen just wasn't about to argue with him, so she grabbed her phone and journal and went downstairs.

As she settled into the guest room, Karen couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew things had been rocky between her and Drew lately, but she never expected him to kick her out of their shared bedroom. She flipped open her journal and began to write, pouring out her thoughts and emotions onto the page. Maybe this temporary separation would give them both the space they needed to work through their issues.

Only time would tell.

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