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Karen walks into the house mad and Drew comes in behind her slamming the door. "Karen, what the hell was that?" Drew asked. "I've been telling you, if a bitch tries me I'm gonna sock them in their shit, sister or not," Karen said, shrugging. "But you didn't have to toss Denise into the damn brick house," Drew said, shaking his head. Karen just rolled her eyes and walked past him, clearly not feeling any remorse for her actions.

As Drew watched her walk away, he couldn't help but feel frustrated by Karen's lack of self-control. He knew she had a fiery temper, but he never expected her to physically harm someone, especially her own sister. Drew sighed and followed Karen into the living room, where she was already pouring herself a glass of wine.

"Karen, you need to calm down. What you did to Denise was completely out of line," Drew said, trying to reason with her. Karen just shrugged and took a sip of her wine, refusing to engage in the conversation.

Drew picked Karen up, putting her on the counter. "You know you're on punishment, right?" Drew said, and Karen gasped. "Whyyy?" Karen whined. "Because you punched me and lost control of yourself," he said. "I only punched you because of adrenaline," Karen said. "Doesn't matter. Go upstairs and get into position," he said.

Karen stomped her feet and reluctantly made her way upstairs to her room. Drew followed behind, making sure she did as she was told. He wanted to teach her a lesson about controlling her emotions and not lashing out physically. Karen knew she had messed up and was now facing the consequences.

As she undressed and got into position, Drew couldn't help but feel a sense of authority and power over her. It was his job to guide her and help her become a better person. And he was determined to do just that.

Drew came into the room and saw Karen fully naked laying on her stomach. He tied her hands and blindfolded her. Karen's heart raced with anticipation as she felt Drew's hands exploring her body, sending shivers down her spine. She was completely at his mercy, and the thought excited her beyond belief..

Drew grabbed a whip and spanked her, causing her to cry out "ow." Karen whined in pain, and he did it a couple more times before turning her over and grabbing a hot melted candle, pouring it from her stomach to her breast, causing her to hiss and moan. Then he got on top of her, thrusting inside her and untying her hands. "OH FUCK," Karen moaned. The pain mixed with pleasure as Drew continued his rough actions, leaving Karen in a state of intense sensations.

Karen grabbed onto the sheets as Drew speed up, pounding her. "OH FUCK DADDY," Karen moaned. "What?" Drew asked, choking her. "I-it feels so good and you're i-in my spot," Karen panted as Drew sped up even more. "D-don't stop," she whined.

"Don't tell me what to do," he said, pouring more candle wax on her. Karen squirmed under him, the mixture of pain and pleasure driving her wild. The room filled with the scent of burning wax as their bodies moved together in a primal rhythm. Karen's moans grew louder, her nails digging into Drew's back as she reached the peak of ecstasy. As they both collapsed in a tangled mess of limbs, Karen knew she had found someone who could satisfy her deepest desires. Their bodies glistened with sweat as they lay there, basking in the afterglow of their passionate encounter.

Drew saw Karen asleep, so he just blew out the candle and removed the wax from her body before turning off the lights and going to sleep, only to wake up feeling Karen riding him at a fast pace, and he grunted.

The sudden sensation of pleasure jolted through his body as Karen's movements became more urgent. Drew moaned in ecstasy, his hands instinctively reaching out to grasp Karen's hips as she continued to ride him with fervor. The room was filled with the sounds of their passionate lovemaking, the only light coming from the moon shining through the window.

As they moved together in perfect rhythm, Drew felt a wave of desire wash over him, consuming him in the heat of the moment. Karen's soft moans mixed with his own as they reached the peak of their passion, both lost in the intensity of their connection.

Karen fell onto the bed breathing heavily. "Damn, I'm out of shape," Karen said, and Drew got up, picking her up like a baby. "No, you're not," Drew said, and he saw her big brown eyes staring at him with lust. "Why you looking at me like that?" he asked. "Like what, Daddy?" Karen asked seductively.

"Like you want me to put another baby in you," Drew said. Karen blushed and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Maybe I do," she whispered. Drew grinned and carried her to the bathroom, ready to fulfill her desires.

Baby number 60- jk baby 3 💀

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