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Drew walks into a restaurant with his parents and they got to to their seat. "Drew, how's you and Adrian?" Mama Sheard asked. "We're fine..." Drew said, trailing off, seeing his friend Karen from school sitting alone with a cupcake. She had just blown out the candle and started crying.

Drew's parents followed his gaze and saw Karen as well. Concerned, Mama Sheard asked, "Is everything okay with Karen?" Drew shook his head, "I don't know, she looks upset." Without hesitation, Mama Sheard got up from the table and walked over to Karen, while Drew and papa sheard watched from their seats.

"Hey there, Karen. Is everything alright?" Mama Sheard asked gently. Karen wiped her tears and managed a small smile, "Oh, Mrs. Sheard. I... I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed today." Mama Sheard nodded understandingly and sat down next to Karen, offering her a comforting hug.

"What's wrong?" Mama Sheard asked. "My dad kicked me out last week and won't let me talk to my family, so now I'm celebrating my birthday by myself," Karen said, crying. Mama Sheard hugged her and mouthed to Drew, "Call Twinkie." Drew pulled out his phone, calling Twinkie, telling her to bring the sisters.

Karen joined them for dinner and she was quiet as always until she heard someone singing "Happy Birthday." She turned around to see her sisters and mom. She jumped up, hugging them and crying, "I'm so sorry." Mattie cried, holding her, and Denise, Dorinda, Twinkie, and Jacky hugged Karen tightly. The room was filled with love and forgiveness as they celebrated Karen's birthday together, surrounded by family. Tears of joy and relief streamed down Karen's face as she realized that she was truly loved and accepted by those closest to her. It was a moment she would never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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