Any worse

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Karen stared at Drew in confusion, but when Drew looked at her, she looked down. "What's wrong?" Drew asked. "I was just trying to see why you weren't mean or didn't hit me," Karen said. "Why would I be mean or hit you?" Drew asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I ate a lot with my last boyfriend, and he used to hit and criticize me about it," Karen replied, her tone suggesting that such treatment was almost expected.

Drew immediately stopped the car, his eyes filled with worry. "Baby, I will never hit you. And as for you eating a lot, you're pregnant. You're obviously gonna eat a lot," he reassured her, gently kissing her hand.

Karen's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at Drew, overwhelmed by his love and understanding. She had never experienced such compassion before. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

Drew pulled her into a warm embrace, enveloping her in his protective arms. "You deserve nothing but love and respect, Karen. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

As they sat in the car, Karen felt a sense of relief wash over her. With Drew, she realized she didn't have to carry the weight of her past anymore. She had found someone who saw her worth and cherished her unconditionally.

Drew pushed Karen's legs up, his movements growing more intense as he delved deeper into her. The sensation caused Karen's body to stutter and shake, overwhelmed with pleasure. "UGHHH," she screamed, unable to contain the ecstasy coursing through her veins.

Feeling Karen's response, Drew adjusted his position, allowing himself to go even deeper, further intensifying the pleasure they shared. The room filled with their passionate moans and the rhythmic sound of their bodies colliding.

The connection between them grew stronger with each thrust, their desires fueling the flames of their passion. Karen's nails dug into Drew's skin, urging him to push further, to explore every inch of her being. Drew, eager to grant her wish, increased the pace, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.

As their pleasure escalated, they both reached the pinnacle of ecstasy. The intensity of their climax washed over them like a tidal wave, leaving them breathless and spent. They collapsed into each other's arms, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks of their shared release.

In that moment, they knew their connection was more than just physical; it was a deep, unbreakable bond that transcended words. They lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace. Karen's legs were still shaking from her climax, and Drew laughed a bit, kissing her cheek and rubbing her belly. The room was filled with a sense of warmth and contentment, as the couple basked in the afterglow of their passionate lovemaking.

Karen snuggled closer to Drew, her head resting on his chest. She could feel his steady heartbeat, a comforting rhythm that echoed the love they shared. In this intimate moment, they felt a deep connection, a bond that went beyond physical pleasure.

As they lay there, a soft silence enveloped them, broken only by their gentle breathing. It was a precious moment of pure bliss, a sanctuary from the outside world. Karen traced circles on Drew's chest, savoring the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips.

Drew looked down at Karen. He marveled at her beauty, her vulnerability, and the trust she had placed in him. He knew that he was the luckiest man alive to have her in his arms.

Leaning in, Drew planted a soft kiss on Karen's forehead, murmuring sweet words of affection. He cherished these stolen moments of intimacy. Karen's words lingered in the air, igniting a fiery desire within him. "I want more," Karen said, her voice filled with longing. Drew's heart raced as he realized the intensity of their connection.

Without hesitation, Drew gently lifted Karen's leg, creating a pathway for their desires to intertwine. As he slid inside her, Karen gasped, overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through her body. The room filled with the sweet symphony of their moans, echoing their shared ecstasy.

Driven by their passion, Drew continued to explore the depths of Karen's desires, going deeper with each thrust. The intensity of their connection pushed them both to the brink, their bodies entwined in a dance of pure bliss.

But in the midst of their euphoria, a sudden and unexpected pain shot through Karen's body. "SHIT!" she screamed, her voice breaking the spell of passion. Drew immediately withdrew, concern etched across his face.

Worry washed over him as he held Karen close, gently soothing her. His desire quickly shifted to ensuring her well-being. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Karen's gasps turned into deep breaths She clutched onto Drew, trying to steady herself. "I don't know what happened," she managed to say between breaths, her voice still trembling with pain. "It just came out of nowhere. maybe it's the baby."

Drew's worry deepened as he continued to hold her. He gently stroked her hair, trying to provide some comfort. "Let's take it slow," he suggested softly. "We don't have to rush anything. Your well-being is more important to me than anything else."

Karen nodded, grateful for Drew's understanding and support. She took a few more deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. As the pain began to subside, she started to feel a sense of relief. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'm sorry for ruining the moment."

Drew shook his head, his eyes filled with compassion. "You have nothing to apologize for," he reassured her, and he just held her all night long.

Not this nigga finna break karen hip🫠😭

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