Oblivious 𝐩𝐭 𝟐

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Karen scratched up the leather table as Drew had her tied to the BDSM table, applying the vibrator to her at the highest setting. The room was filled with a mixture of pleasure and pain, as Karen's screams echoed through the air.

"UGHH DREWWW!" Karen's voice reverberated, a combination of ecstasy and frustration.

Drew, with a devious smile on his face, continued to torment her with the relentless vibrations. He reveled in the power he had over her, relishing in the control and the pleasure he was providing.

As Karen's body writhed against the restraints, her mind became a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The intense sensations consumed her, blending pleasure with an ever-growing need for release.

Drew, sensing her desperation, leaned in closer, his voice laced with wicked delight. "Not yet, Karen. You'll have to beg for it."

Karen's eyes widened, a mix of desire and frustration flickering within them. She knew that Drew held the key to her ultimate pleasure, but she also knew that she would have to surrender herself completely to him to obtain it.

With a deep breath, she summoned all the courage she had left within her. "Please, Drew... I need to Cum.I can't hold it back any longer," she pleaded, her voice trembling with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability.

Drew's lips curled into a mischievous smile, relishing in the power he held over Karen. His eyes bore into hers, a tantalizing gaze that intensified her longing. "Oh, Karen," he whispered, his voice dripping with seduction, "begging won't be enough. You must prove to me just how much you crave release."

A shiver ran down Karen's spine as his words ignited a fire within her. She was torn between her desire to submit and her fear of losing control. But the growing need for release consumed her, overpowering any lingering hesitations. She knew she had to surrender herself completely to Drew's commanding presence.

The room seemed to fade away as she focused solely on him, her body trembling with anticipation. "Please, Drew," she murmured, her voice filled with a raw desperation, "I'm begging you. I need to come."

Drew's smile widened, his dominance solidifying as he stepped closer, his mere presence engulfing her. "Good girl," he purred, his voice filled with a mix of dominance and satisfaction. Karen, bound and at his mercy, shivered under his gaze. The vibrator, which had been teasing her relentlessly, finally ceased its buzzing. A whimper escaped her lips as Drew untied her, releasing her from her restraints.

As her body hit the bed, she watched as Drew slowly discarded the remaining pieces of clothing that clung to his muscular frame. The anticipation built within her, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew what was coming next, and she yearned for it.

With a raw hunger in his eyes, Drew crawled on top of her, his lips crashing onto hers in a passionate, possessive kiss. The intense connection between them sent sparks flying, igniting a fire within both their souls. As their tongues danced and explored each other's mouths, the room filled with their shared desire.

In one swift motion, Drew thrust himself inside her, filling her completely. A gasp escaped Karen's lips, blending with a moan of pleasure. She arched her back, her nails digging into his flesh as she surrendered herself to the intoxicating sensation of their bodies becoming one.

Their movements became a symphony of passion and lust, each thrust sending shockwaves of ecstasy through their intertwined bodies. The intensity of their connection seemed to transcend time and space, as if they were the only two beings in existence.

Karen reveled in the overwhelming pleasure, her senses heightened by the electrifying chemistry between them. Drew's hands roamed her body, exploring every curve and contour with a hunger that matched her own. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, each movement building upon the last, pushing them closer to the edge of bliss.

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