Love pt3

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Karen gags at the smell of the flat iron. "Karen, are you okay?" Tamela asked with concern."Yeah, I'm good," Karen replied, attempting to hide her discomfort. However, her sudden rush to the bathroom and subsequent vomiting betrayed her true condition. As she reached into her purse, her trembling hands fumbled to find some mouthwash, hoping it would alleviate her nausea. Karen sat down, feeling weak and overwhelmed, and stared into space, lost in her thoughts.

"Maybe... Maybe I'm pregnant again," Karen whispered to herself, her voice barely audible. Confusion and anxiety filled her mind as she contemplated the possibility. She was fifty years old, and the idea of being pregnant at this stage seemed inconceivable. Yet, the symptoms she was experiencing couldn't be ignored.

Karen's heart raced, and she couldn't shake off the mix of emotions flooding her. Questions raced through her mind, each one more uncertain than the last. What would this mean for her? For her family? Could she handle another child at this stage in her life? Doubt and fear consumed her as she pondered the unknown.

Taking a deep breath, Karen decided she needed to gather herself and seek clarity. She stood up, wiping away the remnants of tears that had escaped her eyes still glistened on Karen's cheeks as she made her way back to her dressing room to get ready for the show. The weight of her emotions lingered, making it difficult to focus on the upcoming performance. As she entered the room Dorinda noticed her puffy eyes and approached her, concerned.

"Karen, you okay?" Dorinda asked, her voice filled with genuine worry, as she reached out to fix her own hair in the mirror. Karen, still lost in her thoughts, whispered almost inaudibly while absentmindedly playing with her nails, "I think I'm pregnant again."

Dorinda's eyes widened, startled by the unexpected revelation. She searched for the right words to say, unsure of how to comfort her in this moment. Sensing the tension, Jacky handed Karen a pregnancy test.

"Why do you have a test on you?" Dorinda blurted out, unable to contain her curiosity. Jacky shrugged, a sympathetic smile on her face. "You never know when someone might need it. I always like to be prepared."

Karen took the test from Jacky's hand, her heart racing with anticipation. She ran to the bathroom, took the test, wrapped it in a paper towel, and washed her hands. She opened the door, set a timer, and started pacing. "Karen, you're making us dizzy," Tamela, Dorinda, and Jacky said.

Karen was visibly nervous. "We have one more month of the tour, and now I could be pregnant again at 50," she confessed, her voice trembling. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Karen couldn't hold back the tears any longer. As she cried, the timer finally went off, filling the room with an eerie silence.

Everyone turned their attention to Karen as she slowly wiped away her tears and reached for the test. With trembling hands, she picked it up and stared at it, her heart pounding in her chest. Time seemed to stand still as the seconds ticked away. The room held its breath, waiting for Karen's reaction.

A myriad of thoughts raced through Karen's mind as she examined the test. Fear, excitement, and uncertainty mingled together, creating a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was positive. Karen was pregnant once again, at the age of 50.

A rush of emotions flooded the room as everyone processed the news. Tamela, Dorinda, and Jacky exchanged glances, their eyes filled with both surprise and joy.

They hugged her but karen didn't even blink and Karen started crying on Jacky's shoulder, overwhelmed with emotion. There were a few gentle knocks at the door, and Tamela, with concern in her voice, said, "Come in."

David entered the room, his eyes widening as he took in the scene. "Y'all okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Dorinda glanced at Karen, who nodded while wiping away her tears. Taking a deep breath, Dorinda mustered the courage to speak. "Karen just found out she's pregnant again," she revealed, her voice quivering slightly.

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