First time

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Karen zoned out thinking of Drew as her sisters talked. "Earth to Karen," Dorinda said, snapping at her. "I think I wanna give my virginity to Drew," Karen blurted out and it got quiet. "Karen, are you sure?" Twinkie asked and Karen nodded. "Yes, I trust him," Karen said. "Alright, but use protection," Jacky said and Karen nodded.

The sisters all looked at each other, a mix of concern and understanding in their eyes. Karen was growing up, and they knew they had to trust her to make her own decisions. They may not have agreed with her choice, but they would support her no matter what. And with that, the conversation moved on to other topics, the sisters laughing and joking as they always did. Family was everything to them, and they would always have each other's backs.

Karen knocked on the door and soon Drew opened it and gave her a kiss. "Hey," Drew said. "Hi," Karen said, getting nervous. Drew let her in and helped her with her jacket. He gently grabbed her hand and walked her to the dining room. Karen gasped upon seeing flowers and a beautiful dinner set up.

Karen's heart skipped a beat as she took in the romantic scene before her. She couldn't believe Drew had gone to so much trouble for her. As they sat down at the table, Drew poured them each a glass of wine and they began to enjoy the delicious meal he had prepared.

"Wow, this looks amazing," Karen exclaimed, feeling touched by the effort Drew had put in.

Throughout dinner, they laughed and talked, their conversation flowing easily. Karen felt herself relaxing more and more in Drew's company, grateful for the effort he had put into their evening together. After they finished eating, Drew stood up and took her hand, leading her to the living room where soft music was playing.

As they swayed together in a slow dance, Karen felt her nerves melt away. She looked up at Drew and smiled, feeling a rush of affection for him. In that moment, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be. And as they danced into the night, Karen couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn their evening had taken.

Karen felt like she was in a dream, surrounded by love and happiness. As the night came to an end, Drew pulled her in for a hug and whispered, "I love you, Karen."

Tears welled up in Karen's eyes as she whispered back, "I love you too, Drew." She knew in that moment that she had found someone who loved her unconditionally.

Karen looked up into Drew's eyes and he looked into hers and they leaned into each other and started kissing. Their passion ignited as they continued undressing each other until they were completely naked. Drew picked her up and carried her to his room, where Karen couldn't help but feel a rush of nervous excitement. She couldn't deny that she was a bit intimidated by the size of Drew's member, big and thick, but she was also eager to experience the pleasure he promised. As they lay down together, their bodies entwined, Karen let herself surrender to the moment, ready to explore the depths of desire with Drew.

Karen sat up on her elbows, watching Drew open the condom, putting it on his member before getting on top of her and lining himself up to her folds. "You ready?" Drew asked. "Yea," Karen softly said as he slowly slid inside her. She gripped the sheets, biting her lip in pain. Drew paused, looking at her with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, gently stroking her cheek. Karen nodded, trying to relax as the initial discomfort started to fade.

As they moved together, Karen's body gradually adjusted to the new sensation, and soon pleasure began to replace the pain. Drew held her close, whispering words of reassurance and love as they shared this intimate moment together. Karen closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensations that washed over her. And in that moment, she knew that she had made the right decision to be with Drew.

"Faster," Karen moaned, and Drew started going faster and deeper, causing her to scream in pleasure and scratch his back. Her body started shaking. "Move I gotta peeee," Karen whined and Drew smirked, going faster and feeling her walls squeeze his member. "DREWWW!" Karen screamed, squirting everywhere. Drew collapsed next to her, both of them breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Karen turned to him with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Get on my face," Drew said. Without thinking twice, Karen did just that, sitting on his face, and he started eating her out. She leaned down, taking his condom off and put him in her mouth, deep throating him. Karen felt Drew smack her ass and she smirked, "Do it again, daddy," Karen said, putting him back in her mouth. Drew kept smacking her ass, adding to the pleasure they were both experiencing.

"I'm bouta come," Karen moaned as her eyes rolled back. Drew sucked on her clit harder as Karen took Drew all the way down her throat. Soon, they both came at the same time. Drew stuck his fingers inside her, making her come more. Karen sucked it off his finger. "Mmm strawberries," Karen said. As they lay there in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow, Karen whispered, "That was amazing, Drew." Drew smiled and kissed her, feeling completely satisfied.

Karen woke up the next day, worn out. She looked over at Drew, who was still waking up. "Why are you staring at me?" Drew asked. Karen pulled him into a kiss, getting on top of him and she rubbed his balls as he got hard. "Damn," Drew groaned as he rubbed her breast and she put him inside her.

Their passionate encounter continued as they moved together in sync, lost in the moment of pleasure. Karen moaned softly as Drew's hands explored her body, sending shivers down her spine. The room filled with the sounds of their intense lovemaking, a symphony of desire and lust.

After reaching the peak of ecstasy, Karen collapsed onto the bed, breathless and satisfied. Karen smiled at Drew, feeling a deep connection between them. They lay there in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of their passion.

As they cuddled and whispered sweet nothings to each other, Karen knew that she was exactly where she wanted to be - in Drew's arms, feeling loved and cherished.

Karen walked into the house smiling all big. "Well look at you all happy," Mattie said. Karen covered her face as she started turning red from how hard she was blushing. "Why are you limping?" Mattie asked. "Mama, I had sex," Karen mumbled. "Did you at least use protection?" Mattie asked. Karen nodded, lying.

Mattie raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by Karen's response. "Karen valenica clark," she said, crossing her arms. Karen squirmed under her mother's gaze, feeling guilty for not telling the truth. "I'm sorry, Mama. I was just so nervous," she confessed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Mattie softened her expression and pulled Karen into a hug. "It's okay, honey. Just promise me you'll be more careful next time, okay?" Karen nodded, grateful for her mother's understanding.

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